Submission Red are from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The name comes from their interpretation of submitting to the ‘red letters’ in the bible (where Jesus words are printed in red). Their website has the following quote “Word got around because of a black chick singing legit hard rock”. The band is comprised of Yvonne Winfrey (vocals), Ryan Horner (Bass), Robert Foldy (drums) and Stevie Benz (guitar). They released the ‘Submission Red EP’ (2008) before signing to Dream Records for ‘Vision Tour’ (2011) and ‘Untamed Ones’ (2012). Being a female-fronted rock band they are often compared to Fireflight, Paramore, and a milder Flyleaf. However, I think they also take in Papa Roach and a punky Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.

Their previous release ‘Vision Tour’ has been described as exposing the beating heart of Yvonne Winfrey, with ‘Untamed Ones’ revealing the scars that are healing. This time it is melded with guitarist Stevie Benz, who comes from the successful touring bands Between the Trees and Rookie of the Year. Unfortunately, several unfavorable reviews have stated that they don’t like Yvonne’s vocal style ….. whereas I think that she brings a ‘punk’ attitude to a hard rock setting. And this boils over into the upfront lyrical approach that is more often found within punk, rather than in hard rock.

The opener takes the Joan Jett route with chunky guitar riffs and sing-along chorus “We are untamed ones, and we rise above the flames. You see us walk above the living, but we are not the same. We are the ordinary, seeking extraordinary. We are untamed ones”.

The slowly smouldering ‘When He Looks Down From Up Above’ is spoilt by a ham-fisted bridge section that doesn’t quite gel. But they come back with the Paramoresque ‘24 (I Want More of You)’ which is about carrying a fire and intensity in your heart for God, no matter whatever happens to you.

They have their tongues firmly stuck in the cheek for the cheesy anthem ‘Hurting Me Like High School’. Its so full of teen romantic angst with “Maybe I’m not the prettiest, but baby I was your loudest cheerleader, but I guess I just failed the test, now it’s history repeating, I guess you’re in summer and I’m in a winter fever, you’re hurting me like high school”

There is the melodic ‘What Is It all For ?’ and the off-kilter acoustic ‘Happy Birthday Sunshine’ before they return with a trio a rock songs that build up the harder riffing.

It is not the most consistent of albums as it swaps styles between Skillet and Paramore and back again, but there are several good tracks.

Rating: 6/10

Reviewed by Peter John Willoughby

Untamed Ones
Freedom Looks Good On Me
When He Looks Down From Up Above
24 (I Want More of You)
Hurting Me Like High School
What Is It All For?
Happy Birthday Sunshine
Glimpse of Light
Fight For Me
Dirt and Dust

Band members:
Yvonne Winfrey – Vocals
Ryan Horner – Bass
Robert Foldy – Drums
Stevie Benz – Guitar

Weblinks: Official website / Myspace / Facebook

Record Label: Dream Records, Oct. 2012

Buy the album here:
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First Paradox Metalrecords

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