Punk veterans True Liberty announce their latest and best release Marked for Life on Thumper Punk Records. Marked for Life stands firmly on the broad shoulders of their past releases, positively blasting classic punk and oi! sounds in True Liberty’s unique and uncompromising style. Firmly committed, spiritually driven, pedal-to-the-metal music overflowing with hooks, chords and thunder. Available now for digital download from iTunes and all the usual suspects, CD pre-orders are available through the Thumper Punk Records webstore.

As a sober punk band, True Liberty writes, performs and shares this message with fans throughout the world, “We’re not perfect, we’ve made mistakes but we have a responsibility to share our faith, our love, our passion for our Savior, Jesus Christ, with those around us. We press on despite struggles and attacks. We don’t get any fame, or money, or awards for what we do, but to us it’s about playing the music we love and using it to share Jesus with others.”

Marked for Life was produced by True Liberty and Todd Corvin, with digital mastering by Stephen Edgerton [Descendents/All]. Cover art was provided courtesy of Dave Besanson Originals. Stout enough for fans of The Business, The Clash and The Ramones, but musically strong enough to be enjoyed by music lovers everywhere.

Information about True Liberty can be found at truelibertyrva.com. Additional information and special CD pre-order details can be found at the Thumper Punk Records website.


1. Who’s To Blame
2. Fist Fight In The Dirt
3. You Lose
4. Hell No
5. Danger Close
6. Anti
7. Broken Dream
8. Marked For Life
9. Stand United
10.Put It To Death
11.Hold Your Ground
12.Mad At The World
15.Take Up Your Cross
16.Good As Gold

Music video for ‘Take It Back’ [2009]

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