Legendary hard rock band Stryper have issued the following announcement:

“This Thursday we’ll be releasing an awesome remix of the song ‘To Hell With The Devil’. Our friend Jeff Savage did an amazing remix. We were all blown away and will be releasing it to Patreon only members on 1/21/21.”

Go to Stryper‘s Patreon page here.

“To Hell With The Devil” is the title track from Stryper‘s third studio album, released in 1986. It was the first Christian metal album to achieve platinum status, selling over one million copies.

If you go to the Stryper Facebook page you can see a video of Michael and Jeff discussing that remix. That will be available at 10am EST on Thursday.

Also, at 7pm, the 4 band members will be doing a live chat for Patreon members. We’ll be talking about 2021, catching up, and answering your questions in the chat board. We’ll also spend some time praying with Oz as he will soon be undergoing brain surgery.

Both the Remix release and the Chat are FREE for Patreon members.

If you’re not yet part of our Patreon family, please consider supporting our ministry at www.Patreon.com/Stryper. For as little as $7 per month you get front row access to all things Stryper.

Thanks for all you do.

God Bless you all,

Michael, Robert, Oz, Perry

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