‘Bright Black’ – the first single from the forthcoming Detritus album single will be available on all streaming platforms from 19 January. Below is the video to help keep the wolf from the door until the album “Myths” is out in February on Embryo Industries Ltd.

We have created a pantheon of dark gods, a legion of devils more terrifying than anything from our folktales and histories. We have fallen beneath the whips of new overlords; priests of intolerance, violence, hypocrisy and unreasoning judgement. We lay placating tribute at the altars of greed and hate as we walk our endless, unchanging rounds in darkness. Now is the time for simple heroes with the courage to look up and see the light, the bravery to lay down their weapons and open their arms, the strength to step from the path and disbelieve the myths that bind us to destruction.

Video for ‘Bright Black’

Detritus have always carried with them a message of positivity and hope, preferring to stand against the storm rather than bow before the endless onslaught of soul destroying bleakness and despair. Their story began in Bristol, England in 1989 where Onslaught were the dominating force on the local scene and inspired by the likes of Metallica, Megadeth and Slayer they set about creating their own take on the world dominating thrash scene. Cutting their teeth supporting the likes of Acid Reign, Slammer and Galactic Cowboys, the band went on to release two well received albums – Perpetual Defiance (’90) and If But For One (’93). And that appeared to be the end of the Detritus story…until now. Spurred on by the success of recent reissues of their two albums Detritus returned to the studio to record Myths and what a return to the fray it is! Combining the irresistible riffs of Perpetual Defiance and the progressive, creative approach of If But For One with a new maturity and confidence, Myths is that rarest of things – a new album from a reformed band that towers over their much loved earlier releases.

Armed with tracks like the bruising riff attack of ‘Forever Soldier’, the powerfully emotional and exquisitely melodic ‘Tale Of Sadness’ and ‘Call Me Human’ with its crisp guitars, vast choruses and immaculate construction Detritus look set to capture the hearts of a whole new generation of fans – as well as outstripping the expectations of existing fans, thrilled by their return. Whether you are new to Detritus, or have a well loved copy of Perpetual Defiance, with its glorious Rodney Matthews artwork, nestling in your collection – do not miss Myths on February 19th 2021, the return of one of UK thrash’s most remarkable bands.

1. Myth of Redemptive Violence
2. Bright Black
3. Tale of Sadness
4. Call Me Human
5. Exoria
6. Bloodstained Glass
7. Pharisee
8. The Game
9. Forever Soldier

“Myths” is available on heavy black vinyl, which comes with a digital download. Pre-order here and get 10% off this exclusive release:

Genre: Progressive Thrash Metal

For fans of: Metallica | Megadeth | Death Angel | Savatage

Andy Bright – Drums & Percussion
Mark Broomhead – Vocals & Bass Guitar
Michael Bryzak – Guitar
Andy Neal – Guitar
Paul Newington-Wise – Guitar

Social Media: Facebook / Website / Instagram

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