Trinity, a Doom metal band founded in the year 2007 in Czech Republic, are out with their debut album “Memories Of The Ancient Presence ” under the Soundmass Record label. The band draws comparison to Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus and Paramaecium. Trinity best summarizes in its press material when it accurately describes itself as ‘doom and rebirth’ metal.

Bard, a multi-instrumentalist, began collaborating with Judith and Mary, whom he had previously worked with on other musical projects.  The trio started demoing material over the next several years but progress stalled due to their commitment to other bands.  Starting in 2016, however, work resumed on Trinity, with the subsequent four years spent working on production and recording along with improving arrangements and lyrics.

The album opens up with a hymn “Memories Waking” with soft tones, bell chimes, seconds vocalizing and an acoustic guitar that carries the song forward.  “The Ancient Presence” starts off with a downbeat guitar riff on a looming violin swing which is accentuated with crafty drum rolls, and the vocals add a doom overtone to the overall song. “Sanctuary” starts off on a groovy note, and slowly blends into a doom guitar riff, parallels well with the violin and toggling between the voices of Bards and Judith/Mary gives the song an eerie outlook. The interlude with an electrifying guitar solo, and the outro brings about a gothic aura that sustains for a while and gives one a gooseflesh.

“Silent Dreams” takes its time to build on to a gloomy riff with added double beats on the drums, that gives the song a crunchy start. The song enters a sub section which slows it down with an acoustic arpeggio over a rumbling bass that toggles a narrative between the singers, and with that passed jumps off to an upbeat section gaining momentum and adding the oomph as the song progresses. “Kyrie Eleison” starts off as a beautiful hymn that transcends all beauty and has the most amazing intro of any song on this album. The song grooves back to a downbeat doom rhythm paired with baritone vocals drives the song forward. The song is 9 minutes long and towards the 5-minute mark enters into another section, bringing about some guitar melodies and eventually running with it to craft it into a staccato styled guitar solo.   

“The Fall (Jericho)” starts off quite differently from its predecessors, a haunting voice looms over high adrenaline guitar chugs which eventually downgrades to a downbeat tempo. The outro of the song sees Judith/Mary taking the lead and bringing about a change that gives the song quite an eerie soundscape. The astounding guitar solo finishes the song off in style. We end the album with “Into the Light” which has a plethora of melody paired with an arpeggiating guitar chord, as the heavy guitar chugs bounce off and lands on a flute outro commemorating the genre in style.

Production – The album is produced well with balanced tones. All the instruments have had their fair share.

Conclusion – This was quite different to the doom that I am used to hearing. Nonetheless I was appeased towards the completion of the album and believe it deserved a repeat, only for the vocalizing that brought so much colour to the album. As a debut album it was good, but for the band to take it notch higher I would love to hear more or equal share of singing from Judith/Mary as that I felt was something that differentiated their sound!

Rating: 7.5/10

Written by: Ankit Sood

Band Members:
Bard – Lead Vocals, Guitars, Bass & Samples
Judith – Lead Vocals
Mary – Lead Vocals

Track Listing:

1.       Memories Waking
2.       The Ancient Presence   
3.       Sanctuary           
4.       Silent Dreams   
5.       Kyrie Eleison                      
6.       The Fall (Jericho)
7.       Into the Light

Release Date: July 1st, 2022

Record Label: Soundmass Records

Weblinks: Facebook / AppleMusic / Spotify / Website

Video for ‘The Fall (Jericho)’

Video for ‘Into The Light’


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