Brutal Death Metal Band Taking The Head Of Goliath checked in with the following update:

“The recording of our debut EP is complete!!! It is currently in post production and we’re are eagerly awaiting a listen of the first mix. We would like to thank Will Maravelas at 14:59 STUDIOS for making this experience beyond awesome. You’re all pro, ultra accommodating and were way cool throughout. We know your mix will be BEYOND BRUTAL!!! We also would like to thank Brad Githens for laying down a killer guest vocal spot on ‘The Expulsion Of Putrid Illusion’, this track is going to be sick!!! In addition TTHOG thanks Shawn Browning at Rottweiler Records for signing us and walking alongside of us both professionally and spiritually. We are blessed to be part of “The Pack”. Lastly but certainly not least we thank our incredible fans and all in the Christian Metal Community for your support and for buying our merch. The profits from these sales funded this recording in its entirety. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!!! We are humbled by your desire to see this record released and your spreading the word about our band. We will keep you all updated on the mixing, mastering and impending release date of this, our self titled EP. In the meantime, rest assured, we are currently writing new material for the full length follow-up record… That’s all for now, GOD BLESS!!! 

Taking The Head Of Goliath is hailing from the Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA. TTHOG incorporates grind, slam, tech, melodic and classic death metal into a ultra-heavy sound never lacking in brutality or originality. Vocal range hits on all points of the extreme metal spectrum, from blood curdling highs to the lowest of gurgling lows. The mission of this band is to spread a message of hope, redemption, strength, freedom, patriotism and ultimately salvation through Jesus Christ. Simply put, Taking The Head Of Goliath is death metal for life.

Recently (March) we conducted an interview with TTHOG, you can find it here.

Our review of “Beyond Brutal Live” can be found here.

The band consists of:  Matt Vangsgard – Drums, Nathan Sherman – Guitar, Rob Blake – Guitar, Luke Renno – Bass/Vocals, Jake Martin – Vocals.

Weblinks: Facebook / Bigcartel / Bandcamp

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