Goatscorge has released their chaotic debut upon the Earth, titled “Marching Against the Evil One”.
Goatscorge started in 2019, as a project of Nocturnal Servant, also known for his works with Proven Existence, What Brings Ruin, Shekinah, Brainkrusher, and Mindgames. Earlier this year, the band released a single titled ‘Lacerate the Goat’ and an EP titled “Awaiting the Apocalypse”, both via The Bearded Dragon Productions, with the album being released through the label as well.
“[The theme of the album is about] Anti-Satanic, anti-filth, extreme provocation, anti-Luciferianism, and all out warfare against the demonic” states Nocturnal Servant when asked about the nature of the album.
The album is available on Bandcamp as of November 14, 2019.