A new band for me with an obscure name, with a new cd called “Cyberian Inner Death”. Since its black metal, I’m very keen on checking this one out!

To explain the name Armath Sargon: Armath is a common name and Sargon means “God create a Kingdom”. So the name is clear and the obscurity gone, let’s see who they are. Armath Sargon is a one man band from Finland who started off in 2002 with an idea to make some music. The first recording go back as far as 2006 and “Cyberian Inner death” is already the 11th!!album released (including 2 free downloadable).

The album itself contains 10 songs with a total playing time of little of 45 minutes. ‘The Intro’ kicks off with some church bells clanging and then ’Death to inner self’ kicks off with fast drums and screaming vocals. It’s supported with guitar and some keys. In the middle there is a very quiet piece and here you hear well that there is room for making a better production. ‘Caressing (of the spirit) starts off with some nice keys followed by a quick drum and melodic guitar.  When the vocals start screaming you can hear very well that some music can be added, it feels “a bit thin”. Also a lot of repeating riffs that makes it a bit of a boring song to listen to. ‘Save my soul’ starts of lingering until the voices kicks in. ‘War in Heaven, war on Earth’ continues where the last song ended. ‘Cyber sleep’ starts with a cyber bell and then suddenly some nice brute force kicks in with some sharp short key strokes. This is a very nice song, fast, switching the speed, with some more of a melodic touch. Nice, we like this! ‘As the ash falls‘ has some slow screaming vocals over a fast drum. Also a bit lingering which makes your head moving forward and back a bit. ‘Catch the thief’ starts with fast drums and continues like a drum on the run. ‘Lament’ starts of slow and has some serious message at the end. The album ends with an 8 second burst of music.

To come to a conclusion: Is it the best from Finland? No definitely not. But this guy in some way catches my sympathy. If the one man band could find some companion and make the music a bit more full, a bit more variety within a song, and improve the production, it could very well be one of the better bands in the Black Metal Scene.

Rating 6.5/10

Track list:

  1. Intro: Cyberian inner Death
  2. Death of inner self
  3. Caressing (of the spirit)
  4. Save my soul
  5. War in Heaven, war on Earth
  6. Cyber sleep
  7. As the ash fall
  8. Catch the thief
  9. Lament
  10. The end is Nigh

Bandmembers: Armath Sargon [All Instruments]

Label: Die And Gain Records/2011










Weblinks : Myspace / Facebook / Last FM

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