MichaelBloodgoodMichael Bloodgood will be the guest speaker for the In-Tune Music Conference on 9, February, 2013 in Kingswinsford, Midlands, United Kingdom.

This conference is for ANYONE who is involved in Christian music in any way – from band members, to promoters, to crew and for anyone thinking of working in Christian music.

It is FREE of charge to attend. All we ask is that you register your intention to be there by sending an email to brian@detonationmagazine.co.uk

Seattle native Michael Bloodgood has been rockin’ the free world since age eleven. Michael sites such diverse bass guitar influences as Paul McCartney, John Paul Jones, Jimmy Bain [Dio], and Doug Pinnick [King’s X] to name a few.

Founder of the 80’s pioneer Christian metal band that bears his name, Bloodgood continues to perform in the United States and Europe. Along the way Michael and his band mates have released nine albums and three concert videos, including their most recent 2008 performance in Norway in front of over 8,000 fans. The band’s newest member, guitarist Oz Fox from the platinum-selling band Stryper joined on in 2007.

To date, Michael has penned and published over 30 original songs eventually leading him to start his own label, B. Goode Records, which has already released Michael‘s first solo project The Cross Changes Everything [2008] where he showed his multi-instrumental talent performing all the bass, guitar, strings and even some drum parts on the project.

When not on the road, Michael is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Redmond in Washington state.

For more information on In-Tune Music Conference

Michael Bloodgood: Facebook / Twitter

Video below: Michael Bloodgood & Friends – “Hosanna in the Highest”

Related articles:
‘Bloodgood’ ‘In the Trenches of Rock & Roll’ – A Documentary Film [July 2012]



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