writhe-2016WRITHE is a hardcore/grindcore project by Australian musician Sam Dishington (Separatist, Quit Waters, Départe). He recently released a self-titled debut ep, which is available for streaming and/or free download or name your price on his bandcamp page (link below). In the latter case you support Sam, so that he can continue making more great music.

Tracklist: 1. (00:45), 2. Silent (00:51), 3. Malice (01:02), 4. Failure (01:29), 5.(01:16)

Dishington says: “A bit of backstory – I decided the other morning to challenge myself, and that challenge was to write and record all the music for an EP in one day, and this was the result. I did the music all in one day and wrote the lyrics, tracked the vocals and mixed it the following day.Even though all this came about so quickly, and it’s only a very short EP, I have no intention of this being a one off thing. I really enjoyed writing in this style and it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, so you can definitely expect more from WRITHE in the future, although next time I wont limit myself to one day, so maybe I’ll be able to push the envelope a little more.”

“Big cheers to Jamie at Half Moon Productions for his always excellent mastering work!”

Weblinks: Bandcamp / Facebook 

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