MxPx – “Acoustic Collection”


I think overall fans of MxPx will love the album. They have survived for a long time and have grown into an iconic punk rock machine over the years. I think very few individuals who…

Nine Lashes – “From Water to War”


Sometimes you come across a band that you think you should have heard of before, or at least have heard more from before.  Nine Lashes seems to fall into that category.  As of mid-March 2014,…

Icon For Hire – “Icon For Hire”


There is a saying “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck”. Icon For Hire started out in a garage and ended…

The Almost – “Fear Inside Our Bones”


In the beginning, The Almost was overshadowed by Aaron Gillespie’s other incarnation as the drummer and clean vocalist in Underoath. Initially The Almost was a solo project for the debut album ‘Southern Weather’ (2007). It…