A special xmas presentation from Empires of Eden featuring the amazing Sean Peck on vocals from Cage – Featuring the soaring vocals of Sean Peck [Cage] the arrangement of the classic Christmas anthem We Three Kings  is taken into the epic realm of heavy metal.

All proceeds from Itunes will go to the charity Metal For Cancer to support cancer research. The song We Three Kings is available for streaming below, but also for purchase at this location for a limited time.

Empires of Eden‘s creator Stu Marshall comments:-“This track came into being when I was hanging with Sean in California on a recent trip. It seemed a great way to honour a great song and at the same time offer something positive towards the fight for Cancer. The usual covers of Christmas carols are fairly comical and we wanted to take it the other way, much heavier and dramatic. Working with Sean on the last EOE cd was an incredible experience so it was natural for us to work on this”.

From singer Sean Peck:-” Cancer has affected all of our lives directly or indirectly and we would encourage all metal heads to take the time to give just a small donation towards defeating this killer.”

With the recent success of the release by Cage  – The Supremacy of Steel [review] and the third Empires of Eden cd about to commence, this release is a must have for fans of metal music.

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