‘Last Bleeding Pain,’ the new single ofItalian Power Progressive Metal band Metatrone is out now. The track can be streamed in the clip below. ‘Last Bleeding Pain’ is available here.

The band comments: ‘Last bleeding pain’ is a song connected to changes. It was born by the need to confirm that all the events in our lives can be changed anytime, to decide that now it’s the time to change direction and eventually find the bliss for everyone.

‘Last bleeding pain’ is about this, now it’s time to stop the bleeding, to stop the pain and impose who we are, in the Truth and without any reconsideration.

‘Last bleeding pain’ means courage and acceptance of ourselves into freedom.

It’s a speed metal track, immediate and with no compromises, in the typical Metatrone‘s tradition’

Produced by Metatrone. Mixed And Mastered at Evolution Studios by Massimiliano Flak
Cover art by Paolo Marreddu

Metatrone is a Christian power-prog metal band formed by musicians coming from many previous musical experiences, mostly involved in metal music. Davide Bruno,Jo Lombardo, Tony Zappa, Virgilio Ragazzi and Stefano “Ghigas” Calvagno formed the band in 1997 under the monicker of Metafora producing with Track Records Productions (TRP) a four track Ep called “Reazioni e Memorie”, featuring some amazing anthems like ‘Una Parte di Me’. As many things in life changes, it was four years later (2001) that one of the founding members, keyboardist Davide Bruno decided to begin a new spiritual journey bringing him to change completely his life becoming a Priest. After this important decision, another one will be essential: Metafora decided to change their monicker as Metatrone from that moment on.

The band’s new name means “God is since now and forever”, consequently the band begins to write power-prog metal songs deeply inspired by a Christian Catholic view of life and human being. It was in 2005 when they produced with the help of TRP music their first album called “La Mano Potente” soon followed by the English version called “The Powerful Hand” distributed by Scarlet Records in Europe and King Records in Asia. After its release, the band begins to play often live in Italy and around the world as well, playing at festivals like Elements of Rock in Switzerland twice, Tumbalong Park and World Youth Day in Australia just to name a few. As many time happens, they toured a lot but immediately after they began to write new songs which bring them to a new and highest musical and lyrical level, songs were more influenced by prog but powerful at the same time. Most of that songs will be released on their third studio album, “Paradigma”. The album was produced by the band and TRP Music, the album features songs sang in english, italian, latin and spanish with some interesting growling vocal choruses performed by priest Davide himself getting very good reviews on the most popular metal magazines like Metal Hammer Italy, Metal Maniac and many other on-line magazines. On May 2012 the band released their first videoclip, ‘In Spe Resurrectionis’ from “Paradigma” (winning also the David Award as best Italian song at V Premios David) while on June 2013 the band released a single track called ‘Heavenly Field’ written against the Zionist policy supporting Gaza population at the time, featuring Italian hip hop band One Crew as special guest on vocals.

An recent interview (April 2016) with guitarist Stefano “Ghigas” Calvagno can be found here.

To read our review of Metatrone‘s most recent effort “Eucharismetal” click here.

Metatrone Current Line Up:
Jo Lombardo (Vocals)
Stefano Calvagno (Guitars)
David Brown (Keyboards, Growl)
Dino Fiorenza (Bass)
Salvo Grasso (Drums

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Video (audio) for ‘Last Bleeding Pain’

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