Beyond The Doom is a metal project formed by musicians from different bands, started in spring 2012. Based in Holland, their strive is to revive classic (white)metal songs from the 80’s and 90’s with a bit of modern approach. Style: Thrash/Doom/Death. Follow the band now via Facebook and Twitter, and give them your support.

The idea started in spring 2012 when Mauce was asked to play at a festival. Soon he gathered other musicians from different bands. Playing covers is, beside a big desire of the band members and the fun of playing those songs, it also became the outcome for the lack of preparation time for the first show.

The band is a mixture of several other bands: Samuel (The Opponent Proces), Nick (Slechtvalk), Mauce (Thy Blood My Gain), Roger (Morphia) and Joey (Burial Earth). Stay tuned to hear about news and upcoming shows …

Weblinks: Facebook / Twitter

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One Reply to “‘Beyond The Doom’ Now On Social Media

  1. hallo, vrienden van me proberen zo 21 okt Illuminandi in België te plaatsen. Kunnen jullie het voorprogramma eventueel doen? Immanuel Boie

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