As_above_So_below_eeaNorwegian Unblack Metal Band Flukt have released a digital single through American SkyBurnsBlack Records. It is entitled ‘As above So below’. It is up on SkyBurnsBlack BandCamp site. And it will be available on digitale services like Spotify and iTunes in a month.

Vocalist A.Ø stated: ‘This is to show the world that Flukt is alive and well. We wanted to release a single while we are working on a follow up to our debut Ep “Holocaust” released earlier this year.’

The song is recorded and Mixed/Mastered in Hulloen Studio by Flukt. Artwork is created by Drawnsword Graphix. The track is available on bandcamp for free, or name your price and support the band so they can continue making music.

An recent Interview (Feb.) with Flukt can be found here.

Our review of “Holocaust”EP can be found at this location.


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