For 17 long years, Implement has remained underground playing a number of fests and releasing music videos over the years. Bleeding alone being their first studio album has had a long wait, was released in March 2019.  The production on the album started in 2016 in Mr. Prog. Studio in their hometown Recife and with the production, mix and master by Nenel Lucena (Bride, N.O.G), the album shows us a powerful death metal sound with elements of thrash metal and grindcore, for fans of Deicide, Cannibal Corpse and Crimson Thorn.

“Wreckage” opens up with eerie and ghastly soundscapes and quickly moves to “Infernum Brothel” which pulverizes and pounds upon you with a meaty riff sounding a mix of grindcore and death metal right from the beginning. “Worm in my brain” has a scathing vocal delivery and crunchy guitar bits to its credit but the vocals have little variation and no guitar solos. Next up is the title track “Bleeding Alone” which delivers a chunky riff, and moves on to a catchy tune as we progress. The song is definitely one of the heaviest on the album and finally bring out a solo.

“Grave of Desire” catches on speed and brings about an interesting mix of guitar shreds against odd drum beats. Midway across the song, we hear a gear change which helps carry this song and makes it a little something to groove on. “Pentecostal Insanity” walks along and fits the formulaic and by now the ambient setting that was set forth in the beginning of the album has no way of coming back. “The Keys of Hell” gets a groovy start and some rumblings on the bass, but as the song moves along we hear progressive song arrangements that’s makes this song a tad bit better than its predecessors.

“Red Flag” has an interesting guitar riff, plethora of pinch harmonics, and crisp guitar solos, but apart from that the vocals really wore the song down. “Great Terror” kills it with blast beats pairing up with an equally fast riffing on the guitars, a good progression happens throughout the song and keeps one hooked and intrigued on where the songs transcends. “Catacomb” sends out a blazing guitar solo at the outset, gets heavy and is sure to break some necks. The album ends with “Mirror of Illusion” which rumbles with bass and sets a mix of groove, grind and thrash elements into the song.

Production – The album lacks production skills and the sound falls a bit flat at places. The tones weren’t as crisp as I had imagined but a good start for the band.

Conclusion – At first I wasn’t impressed and could easily spot the formulaic but as I progressed through the other songs, I appreciated what I heard. As their first album they definitely will get to their audiences and here is hoping to hear more from them. Hit Play!

Rating: 7/10

Written by: Ankit Sood

01. Wrekage (Intro)
02. Infernum Brothel
03. Worm in My Brain
04. Bleeding Alone
05. Grave of Desire
06. Pentecostal Insanity
07. The Keys of Hell
08. Red Flag
09. Great Terror
10. Catacomb
11. Mirror of Illusion

Band Members:
Angelo Acácio (Drums)
Marcio Kizar (Guitar)
Ivan Morderhay (Bass and Vocal)

Weblinks: Facebook / Instagram

Buy the album here:
First Paradox
Norway: Nordic Mission

Video for “Bleeding Alone” (album teaser)

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