One of our reviewers Don The Necker (The Old-Timers) recently launched Everyone Has A Story Facebook page. The Necker checked in with the following:
New interview I did with Tobin of Christian celtic punk band Flatfoot 56 and celtic folk band 6’10.
The video interview can be seen below.
Flatfoot‘s latest album “Odd Boat” has been released on April 28 2017 via Sailor’s Grave Records.
Our review can be found here.
So what is Everyone Has A Story about? Well most of you know I had a radio/internet show called, The Slam and Dance Show a couple years back. Well over years people have requested I revive it or do something else along those lines. So here it is. Its going to be alot more diverse..bridging all sorts of folk from all sorts of life. We each have a story that we can share. Those stories can offer hope, insight, interest, knowledge and many other qualities. So in the past I concentrated on just the music world, I am branching out into all facets of life. So what that does that mean, well Everyone Has A Story, and this show will concentrate on helping tell those stories. This means you could hear the story of a successful businessmen but also hear the story of a guy just making it by in life. It means you could hear the story of a mechanic or a packer at a local supermarket. So watch this space.