Uniting what’s better in Thrash Metal and Hardcore, the power trio Puritan from Espírito Santo (Brazil). The band has constructed a solid name in the Brazillian scene, even having just over 3 years of existence. Their gigs are marked by an outstanding participation of the audience, whether howling the songs or in the crushing moshpit that your “musical granades” bring up. Check out now the interview with Bruno Max (bass/vocals) and Fábio Kiefer (drums) about this “tank” of Brazillian metal.

How this 2011 was for Puritan and what are the plans for 2012?

Bruno: Well, 2011 for Puritan was a year focused on something we decided to invest later 2010. We set up a recording studio (taking the opportunity to make the merchandising… lol! Morrão Studio), where we could produce, by ourselves, a hundred percent of our album, Faixa De Gaza [in English, “Gaza Strip”]. At the end of the works on the recording studio, we decided to set up a rehearsal Studio, and we had another huge work that demanded too much time. It was tough to conciliate all this. Now speaking of 2012, we aim to do everything about gigs that we didn’t do in 2011. The year barely started and we already have 4 gigs scheduled and many other invites under review. We still don’t have in mind a tour or something alike, but we aim to do many gigs.

Fábio: It was a year in which we slowed down the pace, due to several other projects. We traveled less and the gigs were performed in next places, but we recorded Faixa De Gaza and we finished the construction of our studio. We’ll be back on touring in 2012.

The past year was not as busy in a matter of shows / tours in 2010. Is this factor due to the recording process of your last stuff, or the band took this decision together?

Bruno:  So, a bit was said above. This was a bit due to the factor “Morrão Studio”, which has demanded too much time from us. The recording session of the album Faixa De Gaza is a relevant factor, and the sum of all this was put on the balance by us, who decided to focus on a good recording and a top studio! Goals accomplished successfully!

When did the writing process of Faixa de Gaza start? Was there any song that you wrote when you were getting ready for the recording session?

Bruno: Well, the compositions started when we finished the first album, once that, right after we released the first album (O Firme Fundamento Do Desespero Incessante) [in English, “The Firm Foundation Of The Unceasing Despair”] we already had 3 songs like “leftovers” of it. We worked on those songs (one of them with very few changes since the time when Silas sang in the band, the song “Tempestade de Ódio” [In English, “Storm of Hatred”], so as “Indústria de Rancor” [in English, “Industry of Grudge”], that had its name changed and “Fornalha” [In English, “Furnace”], which was the song that released Puritan with this new lineup, indeed. We almost made half the songs in studio and we have had this ease, for we ourselves were recording them and for we had spent 12 hours inside a studio. The result: songs with sound lines very alike and with an amazing vibe.

The audience reception to this new work has been positive?

Bruno: It has been very, very positive. Nobody ever can please everyone, but in general, we’re on positive, to the fans so as to the friends and critical media.

Fábio: In our city, Vitória, is very positive. In other states we’re still setting this up. In Argentina was also cool.

When Puritan started the career, the sound was more focused on what has been called DeathCore, but now, after a lineup changing, the style is more aggressive, both lyrically and instrumentally, thus creating an unique sonority. Was this current level aimed by the band?

Bruno: The first purpose of Puritan was doing an unusual thing. This was achieved in the first album with the features of Silas’ vocals (an abnormal vocal! Lol…) and with the guitars of Flávio with many of the popular “little skulls”, followed by sick moshes! After this stage and after we decided that we’d be a power trio, the philosophy became: PURITAN, THE ROLLER. There’s no way to have a well worked thing with 3 people, because someone has to play and sing and another person helps on vocals. We decided to make a raw sound, with no fashion, blending thrash/hardcore with moshes that are meant to devastate quarters!! During the shows, we noticed we were successful with this philosophy. (laughs)

Fábio: Actually, Puritan never changed the line-up. The band just diminished and became a trio. The three members are original. The aggressiveness of the sound is natural. It’s the fusion of three minds and influences.

Was it very difficult to you Bruno, to replace an extremely talented and charismatic vocalist like Silas?

Bruno: Yes, it was. Silas is very talented and has vocals too monstrous! I had a certain difficulty in the beginning because I tried to make something close of what he did, but this is not my trace. Since the moment I started to put my trace even in songs recorded by him in studio, everything became easier, more natural and more coherent with the sound we do currently (words of fans and people closer to the band).

How do you see your life before Puritan, in the musical realm?

Bruno: Well, I’ll summarize it – or at least, try! (Laughs) So, I played in almost 15 bands all my lifetime, but before Puritan, I played an alternative, softer sound, and even before that, I played in some MetalCore bands. A huge curiosity: I played drums for 6 years (till I was 21) and just after that I started playing bass. Today I’m 27 (I’ll be 28 in March), so, I have only 6 to 7 years as a bassist and Puritan is just my 2nd band as a bassist. So, I had much experience as a drummer than as a bassist. It’s my first time on lead vocals, I always made harsh vocals, but as back vocal. I think this is it.

“Fornalha” was the first song of which you made a music video. Why this song and how was the process of recording this video footage?

Bruno: “Fornalha” was the watershed of Puritan. Nothing fairer than put it on a music video, the song that made us known as “Slum Metal”. It summarizes well what Puritan is, both in lyrics and arrangements. The recording process was amazing. The chosen place was dark, with no one to disturb and the producer (Dudu Gonçalves) efforted so much to take the best of us and of the place.

In your opinion, what’s the strongest song that represents this cd better ?

Bruno: There’s the two sides of the coin. Taste is very particular! Well, I (Bruno Max) like much the song “Indústria de Rancor”. It’s short and has the most beautiful mosh of the album, it’s the song that moves me during the show. But the crowd has digged a lot the song “Possuídos pelo Cão” [In English, “Possessed By The Devil”], which is the chosen one for the next music video we’ll make until later February.

Fábio: I particularly like a lot “Possuídos pelo Cão”, but there are others so good: “Mercenário” [In English, “Mercenary”], “Facção Assassina” [In English, “Killer Faction”], etc.

It’s too early for that, but is there any draft of new compositions?

Bruno: Drafts, not yet, but we already have ideas, and so many of them! Both compositions and production – that involve our development in studio, which has improved so much since the finishing of the album Faixa De Gaza.

What do you like to listen to?

Bruno: The familiarity is constant among us and I’ll take the liberty to talk about what each one hears

Speaking of myself (Bruno Max), I lived my adolescence listening to Metallica, Sepultura and Pantera, very much, indeed!! Today, I listen a lot to Whitechapel, Impending Doom and recently I listened deeper to The Acacia Strain and it pleased me a lot.

Speaking of Fábio, he digs the old and good thrash: Slayer, Kreator, Sepultura and a “fresh” sound, Heaven Shall Burn, Nueva Etica, Hatebreed.

About Flávio, he says that, from the oldest sounds, he listened a lot to Kreator, but he really listens to more current sounds like Suicide Silence, Disfigured Elegance, Whitechapel, Bring Me The Horizon.

I think all are well represented in their musical tastes.

Live DVD or cd: are there plans for those deeds? I already had the opportunity to watch 4 of your shows and that would be something really great.

Bruno: We’ve already talked about this several times, but there’s nothing factual yet. But this is a thing we can decide to make and record suddenly, because many people demand this.

Fábio: It’ll happen at some time…

Many people criticized the band due to the album theme, even due to its Intro, misunderstanding its concept completely. It’d be possible to give a brief explanation about this lyrical theme of Faixa De Gaza? Do you intend to explore more these issues in another opportunity?

Bruno: About the “Intro”, and the end of the song “Faixa De Gaza” as well, it was already expected for us that they’d be so controversial. Our theme talks about the everyday of the slums and suburb, and what’s the music style more heard at these places? Funk, which has a theme that looks like ours, talking about our day-by-day, the wars, the involvement in trafficking, police actions, poverty and everything else related to the slums. We have our way to talk about such things and we try to do this in a personal way, by our knowledge of this issue, even because we all live in the suburb and we know about the issue. We intend and we will explore more of this subject, stay tuned and wait for the hot upcoming news! (Laughs)

Fábio: People that don’t like it, usually, is because they didn’t understand the purpose. When listening to Intro, they think it’s a joke. But this is what it is: we simply did what came up in our heads. We picked up the issues of our everyday, of slums, violence, and we turn all this into music. They’re issues that always made part of our lives and they’ll still be. We probably won’t talk about other things out of this realm in the future.

Despite of already being released in virtual and promo formats, Faixa De Gaza will win a jewel box version. Will it have bonus tracks? I particularly think that at least a rehash of “Redenção” [In English, “Redemption”] with the new sonority would be very impacting and would strengthen this re-release.

Bruno: Yeah, we in fact have that in mind, but we’re still deciding what we’ll do. We have many options and until now we have two changes to be made, which we won’t share for now; and a few others in mind, that will be kept in secret!

Fábio: It’ll have a bonus track, for sure. We’ll eliminate a song that I hate and it’ll be replaced by us.

For those who want to contact Puritan for some gigs, what’s the procedure to be done?

Bruno: Very simple, contact us by e-mail at kieferdrums@hotmail.com (personal contact of Fábio Kiefer), or make a call to our studio, for Flávio and I will be there at 9:00AM to 7:00PM [BRST/-3:00 GMT], for sure:  (27)3236-7663 / (27)3236-7663

Is there any outstanding gig in your (short) career? Is there any other you want to forget?

Bruno: Yes, but I speak for me (Bruno Max), of course. The outstanding gig for me, was the gig at Ilha Acústico here in Vitória, the gig “Bode Preto Cagando Sangue Fest” [In English, “Black Goat Shitting Blood Fest”] (a suggestive name). The event counted on Puritan, Ratos de Porão, Violator, Confronto, Mukeka di Rato and more 3 local bands. The gig was too siiiiiiiiiiiccccccckkkkk!! We already made a video of that (video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LMTl158P_8). A gig to forget? The last two we did in Bahia, in Ilhéus and Itabuna on the same weekend. A lot of mess.

Thank you for the opportunity to interview you. Feel free to make your remarks.

Bruno: Thank you for the opportunity! I thank you on behalf of Puritan for the space provided to this other opportunity and we are very pleased with the positive impact of the album to the media and fans. 2012 will be a year so unlike 2011, stay tuned!

Fábio: You’re welcome! Thanks for everyone that dig our job, that get bruised in moshes at our gigs and go to the next concert to get more bruises! Hahaha

You’re warriors!!!

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Written by Márllon “Roxx” Mátos
Translation by Carol Mariana

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