broken-flesh-bandBrutal death metal band Broken Flesh‘s new self-titled album will be released on Sept. 4 through Luxor Records. Another new song ‘Buried Alive’ of the upcoming album can be streamed below.

Vocalist Jacob says on the upcoming album: “For all of us in Broken Flesh, this album stands as the panicle of what we have to offer in sheer brutality. We set out to make the most whole hearted, gut wrenching composition of music and lyrics that we were given the ability to make… and that is what happened. In tracks such as ‘Hell’, ‘Ignominy’, and ‘Hate’, the lyrics reflect some of the hardest times we have faced in our lives and where the Holy spirit was in those times, something that we felt very lead to share with our audience. This, of course, would be a hard point to make without a crushing production, and we have to say that Nick Morris (As They Sleep) and Josh Dillon of Elaire Studios did a fantastic job at doing just that.”

Broken Flesh is first and foremost here on this Earth to further the Kingdom of Almighty God through the sacrifice of his only begotten son Yeshua. (Christ Jesus). Broken Flesh operates to overindulge in the most extreme elements of brutality.  Delivering a devastating sound powered by an inhuman amount of blast beats, aggressive guitar shredding, crushing bass assault, and guttural war cry’s, they have set out to constantly outdo themselves in musical aggression and brutality. This can be heard in the band 2013 release “Warbound” and can be heard, to even more extremes, in the bands upcoming 2015 debut on Luxor Records.

The band is comprised of: Jacob Mathes – Vocals, Kevin Tubby – Guitar/ Vocals, Dakota Whiteside – Guitar, Joshua Mathes – Bass/ Vocals, Brandon Lopez – Drums

Our review for their latest album “Warbound” can be found here.

Broken Fles_STart

Weblinks: Facebook / Big Cartel / Reverbnation / Twitter

Video below: ‘Buried Alive’

Related Articles:
Broken Flesh – “Warbound” [Album Review]
‘Broken Flesh’ signs with ‘Luxor Records’, Lyric Video Released for ‘Scorned’ [Feb. 2015]
‘Broken Flesh’ to Release Self-Titled Album In Sept, New Song Available for Streaming [June 2015]

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