The Circle EndsDutch-Swiss metal band The Circle Ends, recently reported the following:

‘At the end of this summer, The Circle Ends will hit the studio with Travis Wyrick to record a full length CD. Travis Wyrick has worked with bands such as: POD, Disciple, Pillar and The Letter Black. Stay tuned as more details will be revealed soon.’

‘Immortal’ is the bands latest single, released on Dec. 31th 2013 (available on iTunes). A music video for this song has been released late last year, the video can be seen below.

The Circle Ends has a knack for essence. Why get out of bed if you don’t know what your primary incentives are? Steff, lead singer, and TimQ, guitarist, aim for the one thing complex matter evolves around. Stripping their metal sound to power packed acoustics, like they did a few years ago, they discovered that very thing that sets a series of chords and riffs on fire. “It suddenly dawned on us”, TimQ tells, “If we keep doing that, everything else will follow.” History proves them right. Their former nu-metal act, NeverTheLess, gained momentum by getting into the last round of a 2007 Dutch band battle. At that decisive point, one of the band members wasn’t able to attend the finale. Steff and TimQ had to improvise, taming their firm rock sound down to bare acoustics. On that night, they accidentally found their musical essence. The Circle Ends came into being. Since then, they avoided the label ‘metal’ and its connotations. “Call it ‘too loud for rock’”, TimQ advises. “Take Korn and Project 86. And then add some U2 and Johnny Cash.” However, it’s not just about their rock-solid songs. Lyrically, the band takes on themes like extreme poverty to child and drug abuse. Steff’s stories tip on heavy-hitting subjects, but never abandon hope. Steff’s poetic lyrics strive to be more than words. Why sing about hope for the lost and poor without actually getting to them? The Circle Ends partners with organisations like World Vision and the Dutch NGO Reck, helping them to get their message of hope across.

The years, the band toured Holland, as well as Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Slovakia. Their selftitled EP [which has been released Feb. 2011] captures this longing for meaning. And beware: it’s not just their solid acoustics that you’ll hear. Every one of the 4 songs feature James “J.J.” Jenkins, former bass player of the popular metal band East West. The band even teamed up with producer Jeff Pitzer, who worked together with Backstreet Boys, Oleta Adams and Faith Evans and more. The result: rock that is both powerful and thought provoking. With at its very core, a message that is both bold and hopeful.

Weblinks: Facebook / Twitter / Website / iTunes

Video below for ‘Immortal’

Related Articles:
‘The Circle Ends’ Music Video Released For ‘Immortal’ [Jan. 2014]
‘The Circle Ends’ Confirmed To Play ‘Christmas Rock Night’ December 2014 [July 2014]

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