Stryper frontman Michael Sweet checked in with the following:

I’ve always wanted to record a “worship” album yet do my own interpretation of one. I always told myself that when that day comes, I would break all the rules and not do anything that sounds like every other worship album. You know me, I’m a bit of a rebel when it comes to how I like roll:-)

So, I did what I’ve wanted to do my entire life – I’ve made a worship album that breaks all the molds, all the stereotypes. Every song is different and it’s my own spin on what I think a worship album should be – an emotional and musical journey that inspires you to draw closer to God yet gives you a totally unique listening experience.

Well, the time has come! Although there is no release date set, the album is finished. I didn’t care or think about rules or regulations. I just wrote from the heart and drew from many of my musical inspirations from the time I started learning to play/sing to now. I’m so happy with how this album turned out!!

Who will join me on this journey and who is interested in hearing this album? I’m hoping and I’m praying that all of you will. I’ve got over 150k followers here and it would be a gift to know that all of you here are ready for this album🙏 I know I am!!

Stay tuned for details as we work out the details of making it available to all👊

God bless you guys and thank you for listening……



Sweet‘s tenth solo album, “Ten”, has been released in October 2019 via Rat Pak Records in North America and Frontiers Music in Europe.

Our review for “Ten” can be found here.

Stryper‘s latest album “Even The Devil Believes”, has been released on September 4 2020 via Frontiers Music.

Most of the recording sessions for Stryper‘s new LP took place at SpiritHouse Recording Studios in Northampton, Massachusetts with engineer Danny Bernini.

Our review can be found here.

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