Bassist/vocalist Steve Rowe of Australian Christian metallers issued the following message:

I think a few people misunderstand my perspectives. I simply believe that if a Band sells it’s Music as Christian then they should contain 100% Christian Perspectives telling the listener about Salvation through Faith In Jesus Christ Alone. If a Band of Christians want to play Positive Mainstream Music then I believe they should perform & sell their Music outside of The Christian Music Scene. I only have a problem if positive world view Bands sell in Christian Online Stores & in The CBA Market. After All we are supposed to be The Christian Alternative not The Positive Alternative. Being Positive will not save you from hell nor does it edify The Christians who are looking for Music with a Christian Message.

There are many mainstream Bands I like. For example Napalm Death who are Very Positive. The Dave‘s from Megadeth & Alice Cooper are Christians but do you see them trying to sell their CDs in the Christian Music Scene. No, they are successful mainstream Acts & I love their Music. Dave Ellefson now has a Church called Mega Life & States that his CAREER IN MUSIC WITH MEGADETH is outside of his Church activities. Iron Maiden‘s Nicko McBrain is a Born Again Christian but does that mean we will see Iron Maiden CDs in The CBA? I think not! But I love Maiden. Greart great Band & Great Level Headed Blokes. But only Nicko is a professing Christian. In Christian Rock & Metal I want THE MESSAGE. That is Why I spend in this area supporting Bands like Jerusalem, HB, Anti Demon & Grave Forsaken & Artists like Bill Menchen, Glen Kaiser & Nina Llopis.

I am Very concerned for Christians who present Positive Fluff & sell it as Christian Music. It is WEAK to take advantage of a scene that is A Christian Music Scene. Like people presenting U2 as A Christian Band? U2 do not do that & so why should Christians put them up as Christian Role Models when that is NOT WHAT U2 is about. All I am trying to do is help build a focus that it is not Christian unless it is Christian & I think about my own judgement day, EVERYDAY. I Read The Word, I repent & Follow Jesus. I ain’t perfect, no one is, but I know what Christian Music IS & what it ISN’T. If I want to listen to some solid Metal / Rock that is not Christian then I listen too Napalm, Bolt Thrower, Pegazus, Deep Purple, Rush, Maiden, Motorhead & Saxon. Food for thought! We are in the last days & if we are believers then we need to stand strong for Jesus & pray that the unsaved, including our Fav non Christian Bands will find Faith In JESUS! I have been praying for my Fav Non Christian Bands for 28 Years & many of them are being saved. Nicko, The Mega Daves, Dan Spitz (Ex Anthrax) & Blackie Lawless. Blessings To All!! Steve.


Earlier this week on april 1st. Mortification released their 15th studio album  Scribe Of The Pentateuch, the album can be purchased at Soundmass / First Paradox. Tracklist, cover and the new Mort song The Jaws Of Live can be seen/streamed below.

If you are already a member of the Infiltration Squad you can purchase as many copies of “Scribe Of The Pentateuch” from me DIRECTLY for $14 AUD (Australian Dollars) POST PAID to anywhere in The World!! Simply send $14 per CD for 1 or 12 or however many you need to share The Jesus Metal in your area or just for your personal listening!! Simply send the $14 via PayPal to info@roweproductions.com. Please note that you MUST include your MEMBERSHIP NUMBER and ADDRESS with every order! Once YOU become a NEW Infiltration Squad Member and you receive your Pak you may also purchase further copies of “Scribe Of The Pentateuch” through the same process listing your new Membership Number! Thank You all for your support of the new Mortification CD!!

Scribe Of The Pentateuch
The Jaws Of Life
In Garland Hall
Weapons Of Mass Salvation
The White Death

Bonus Tracks
Priests Of The Underground
Too Much Pain
Erasing The Goblin
Elastisized Outrage

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‘Mortification’ ‘Scribe Of The Pentateuch’ To Be Released April 1st. [Feb.2012]
‘Mortification’ ‘Scribe Of The Pentateuch’ Available Now For Purchase & Join ‘The Infiltration Squad’ [April 2012]

One Reply to “‘Steve Rowe’ “I Think A Few People Misunderstand My Perspectives”

  1. thats what i love about mortification. its straight up Jesus music. none of this beating around the bush that so many bands do.

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