slechtvalk_logoThe Dutch extreme metal band Slechtvalk finished recording their new album In April of last year. The upcoming album is recorded, mixed & mastered with Lasse Lammert at the LSD-Studio in Lübeck (Germany). Initially the release was postponed to early 2016, but it will take a little longer. The band have checked in with the following update:

“All good things come to those who wait” they say, but sometimes it seems to take forever. We finally got a bandphoto we’re satisfied with and after some final adjustments by Grimbold we’re ready to send out promo packages to a select number of Record Labels this week. Hopefully we’ll get some viable offers during the coming months and setup a new foundation for future releases.

“We still await the finished versions of the photo’s of the individual bandmembers, so we can’t start on the rest of the artwork quite yet.”

“Some loyal fans might have noticed the absence of Ohtar in the pressphoto. Although Ohtar still participates in the songwriting process and recorded additional vocals for almost all tracks on the new album, he decided to step down from live-performances. Because he believed people would expect to see him on live shows if he joined the photoshoot, he requested to not be part of the official line-up, but remain a special guest-musician.”


From left to right: Dagor (bass), Grimbold (drums), Shamgar (guitar/vocals), Seraph (guitar), Premnath (keys)

Photography by Awik Balaian, Edited by Awik Balaian & Grimbold.

Slechtvalk‘s latest album “A Forlorn Throne” was released in the summer of 2010 through the German record label Whirlwind Records, and once and for all proved Slechtvalk’s dominance as one of the best Dutch Blackmetalacts, receiving excellent reviews throughout Europe.

To read our album review, for “A Forlorn Throne” click here.

Slechtvalk‘s keyboard player Premnath Gonesh has released his second solo album “Circumstantia” in November of last year, find the review here.

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