Last Friday, we reported that reunited metal band Detritus cancelled their performance at Alive Festival (Formerly known as Rock Alive). The festival would take place next month (May 17-18-19) in Zelhem, the Netherlands. At the time of writing, there was no statement from the organization, until last night:

No longer Alive…

Once in a while you will be faced with hard decisions as a festival, or are you confronted with a reality you rather wouldn’t be in. But the one we are facing now just can’t be ignored. The ticketsales for this edition of the (Rock) Alive festival have been disappointing so much that it’s no longer sensible or justified to continue. So to our deepest regrets we see no other way than to cancel the whole festival. This also puts an end to a journey that started five years ago with a whole lot of passion and enthusiasm for the Christian music scene. That even adds to the regret we feel for having to make this decision.

We would like to thank all the people who did buy a ticket for this edition of the festival for their support, even as all the artists and partners that have put their faith in our plans. Also all the people that attended earlier editions of the festival, thanks very much. The emailaddresses of everyone that bought a ticket is known to us, so they will be receiving an email about all this. This will also contain more information about the refunding of the bought tickets.


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