cover_816Conventionality is an overcrowded road. The same chords and beats are duplicated en masse for the masses. Ospreyshire chose a much needed and cathartic detour.

Ospreyshire, the moniker of Illinoisan artist Curtis M. is a project that involves spoken word vocals, abstract soundscapes, and postminimalist aesthetics. His debut EP “Verses Vs. Anhedonia” is a seven poem journey that’s roughly five minutes in total length. This urgency and brevity in these tracks lend itself to this attention deficit and sound byte culture. “Verses Vs. Anhedonia” is a quick mini-concept EP that revolves around the brief psychological journey of someone who is losing interest in several hobbies and the meaning of life before slowly becoming aware that there’s some semblance of hope in this otherwise dark world. Manipulated found sounds and the occasional omnichord make appearances to give some avant-garde edge to this already experimental album.

Anyone that’s into left-of-the-dial music, cathartic poems, or anything that’s as anti-pop would find themselves in the sheltering wings of Ospreyshire’s tunes. His abstract music will rise above the plastic wasteland.

“Verses Vs. Anhedonia” releases today (30th of November),

Weblinks: Bandcamp / Website

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