We had  to wait a little longer, but from today the 15th Mortification album Scribe Of The Pentateuch available to purchase. Tracklist and the new Mort song The Jaws Of Live can be seen/streamed below.

Steve Rowe issued the following: Many people out there think that Rowe Productions and Soundmass are one and the same. That is OK because I guess I have never explained anything differently. Soundmass is an online Christian Music Retail and Wholesale Store run by Adam. Adam and Soundmass is a Christian Business that I trust and for once in my Metal Music Mission of 28 years I am distributed by a CHRISTIAN who is honest, who pays me on time and who does not ever scam anybody!

I also sell directly through Rowe Productions to some degree. For example, Infiltration Squad Membership is a Mission of mine aimed at connecting with other True Jesus Metal Warriors who have joined me with the donation fee on my site Rowe ProductionsI guess some of you are reading this on my site and others via email. All emails to me should come to info@roweproductions.com. I totally understand that for many $77 is huge in difficult Economic Times. I just want the Membership to consist of True Jesus Metal Warriors!!

I believe in my heart that potentially there are 500 people (at least) out there who want to be a part of the Infiltration Squad Mission. We are United In Prayer Support and discussion on relevant topics on my private Infiltration Squad Facebook page. As an incentive to add at least 130 new members in the coming months, I am offering for the next 3 months a FREE copy of “Scribe Of The Pentateuch” with all new Infiltration Squad Memberships!! Simply click on Infiltration Squad,  and scroll down to the bottom. Pay your $77 Membership via PayPal and you will receive all of the goodies in the Infiltration Squad Pak, PLUS A FREE COPY OF “SCRIBE OF THE PENTATEUCH” on CD!!

Existing members of the Infiltration Squad have a BIG IN here also! If you are already a member of the Infiltration Squad you can purchase as many copies of “Scribe Of The Pentateuch” from me DIRECTLY for $14 AUD (Australian Dollars) POST PAID to anywhere in The World!! Simply send $14 per CD for 1 or 12 or however many you need to share The Jesus Metal in your area or just for your personal listening!! Simply send the $14 via PayPal to info@roweproductions.com. Please note that you MUST include your MEMBERSHIP NUMBER and ADDRESS with every order! Once YOU become a NEW Infiltration Squad Member and you receive your Pak you may also purchase further copies of “Scribe Of The Pentateuch” through the same process listing your new Membership Number! Thank You all for your support of the new Mortification CD!!

We have some very special things for you to view on YouTube as from TODAY on Mortification2010’s YouTube Channel – the Full CD Production of the songs “The Jaws Of Life” and “Scribe Of The Pentateuch”. Brent Furletti is our Video Master who has put these together for you with the Album Cover and purchase details! Also available to view on YouTube is the entire first Mortification Concert back after 3 Years and 4 Months of not performing! The Winner of the “Priest Of The Underground” Award for best photo of them with Mort is Jason Parkin for his photo with us at that last Mort Show, October 1st 2008, at the Black Stump Festival. The Winner of The Metal Blessing Award goes to Jonathan Raz for the INCREDIBLE Photo of his Mortification Collection. Check the photos out here.

An extra special Thank You to our Manager Sherri Ross – sherri@roweproductions.com – for her great work in running these 2 great contests. Thank You to all of those who entered and congratulations to our 2 WINNERS!

The Full and VERY RAW Live Concert of us at The Central Club here in Melbourne,18th Feb 2012, IS WHAT IT IS – just us on the comeback trail. It is about the level of performance I was expecting first show back and so I share it with you purely for interest sake. It is Andrew‘s 1st Show with Mort and Lincoln‘s first Show with Mort in over 10 Years. They both did a stellar job under difficult circumstances. Linc had only been back in The Band 6 weeks, but as usual blew us all away! Andrew is solid and proving to be the best of assets to Mort, not just as a Drummer but as A Great Young Man Of God! Andrew‘s drumming on both The CD and the Show will sure show he has the chops for the job! Lincoln and I have been Very Close Friends for 17 Years and it is so great to have Australia’s Best Heavy Metal Guitarist back where he belongs! Linc is also a righteous Man Of God and a great supporter of mine for so many years! You 2 blokes are A True Blessing!!!

As for me, it was my first ever Mort show throwing some SINGING Vocals into the mix!!?? HaHa! Yep, I am never going to be Dio or Halford but I am just, as usual, mixing it up and shocking people once again! OK, really SHOCKING! HaHa!! It is interesting to note that the biggest Bands in Extreme Metal are mixing it up Vocally. On the New Napalm Death Album “Utilitarian”, on the song “The Wolf I Feed”, the Band features Death Metal Vocals mixed with Punk Vocals, black metal Vocals and SINGING! Check out The World’s BIGGEST GRINDCORE Band Napalm Death with “The Wolf I Feed” on YouTube! Plus very early 80’s Traditional Heavy Metal Bands are back in Vogue BIG TIME! For example, Angel Witch who no one has really cared about for 30 Years is back on Rise Above Records, the Label owned by Original Napalm Death Vocalist Lee Dorrian and, since 1990, the Vocalist of Cathedral. I guess my interest in SINGING stems more from hearing CLEAN SINGERs from Bands like Paradise Lost, Angel Witch and of co

So the Live Show has its obvious flaws but I believe in “nothing ventured, nothing gained”! I have always wanted to be DIFFERENT AND UNIQUE in Metal, even if it is a risk at my own expense. HaHa! I WILL NEVER PLAY IT SAFE!! As we all know, those in “christian?” Metal and Rock who play it safe message-wise may become popular but never lead a soul to Christ and that is a sad reflection on today’s almost NON EXISTENT TRUE JESUS METAL approach. Sad But True!!

That said, I have just signed THE WORLD’S BEST TRUE CHRISTIAN DEATH METAL BAND AntiDemon from Brazil, for their 4th release “APOCALIPSENOW”, to Rowe Productions!! AntiDemon are a Full-Time Jesus Metal Mission Band who Tour constantly and often to very obscure South American Countries where no Metal Band has ever played! People in these parts of the world are very open to hearing about FAITH IN JESUS because their lives are so bereft and poor. AntiDemon lead many to Christ in the remote parts of our very lost world!

One thing you will notice about the Mort concert is that I do not speak about my Christian Faith. I say “God Bless You All” at the end. This is The Politically Correct Rich Western World and performing IN A CLUB, IN SUPPORT OF A MAJOR AUSTRALIAN MAINSTREAM METAL BAND, is not the place for me to preach. But hey, ALL The Songs are Christ Focused, I SMILE A LOT and tell funny little happy stories. I fully understand that this is NOT Christian Talk, but please understand that we are there to be SALT AND LIGHT. With the opportunity to PREACH in the right circumstances I Preach To My Hearts Content and DELIGHT! Linc remembers the South American Leg of our World Tour in 2001 and we were so amazed at how hungry people were to hear about Jesus down there!! The interesting thing here also is that in GERMAN Clubs it is fully OK to preach as MOST German’s have at least a nominal connection to The Lutheran or Catholic Church. So let us NEVER throw the baby out with the bath water! Get my point I

Friday June 29th we will perform our “Scribe Of The Pentateuch” Album Launch in a Double Headline Show with Pegazus, once again at The Central Club here in Melbourne. This is the effect of just how God has helped us to BE WISE AND GOOD NEWS to The Melbourne Metal Underground. This is what I will call THE 2-HEADED MONSTER FEST 1. So hopefully from now on, once a year, we can keep doing this with a Major Secular Band! I really want to play to a non-Christian audiences and have the very few Christian Metal fans left come along also in support. It is THE LOST we need to go to because they would never come into our Churches!

Almost ALL of the crowd at the Feb. concert was standing in the Section to the left of screen in the Camera view, over near The Bar (of course!) But they stood there and analysed our first concert back as they always do! I got a lot of laughs from The Goofy stories and Intros I told. But hey, I am there to ENTERTAIN and Be IN THE WORLD rather than OF IT! Hope you get my point here. No excuses, just Wisdom!! When we started performing we had about 25 people to the side and 3 in front of stage. It is a fair sized Club. By mid set there were 80 people in the room. But that is par for the course for an opening Act!!! It was ENORMOUS for us to JUST be out there amongst it all once again!! Praise God! He Is Good and Opens Doors For Us!!

Blessings To All!!


2.In Garland Hall
3.The Jaws Of Life
4.Scribe Of The Pentateuch
5.Weapons Of Mass Salvation
6.The White Death

Mortfication 2012: Lincoln, Steve, Andrew

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 ‘Lincoln Bowen’ Returns To ‘Mortification’ ? [Message From Steve Rowe] [Jan. 2012]
Download The New EP ‘A South American Tribute Of Mercy’ [Mortification Tribute]  [Jan. 2012]
‘Steve Rowe’ Announces Winner ‘Mortification’/’Wonrowe Vision’ Life Achievement Program [Video][Feb. 2012]
‘Mortification’ ‘Scribe Of The Pentateuch’ To Be Released April 1st. [Feb.2012]

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