The following interview is not with a band or something like that. It is with Sherri Ross, a promoter of Christian metal bands, nowadays she is also International band manager for Mortification/Wonrowe Vision [Steve Rowe]. Read more on Sherri and her work as a promoter below:

TMR: Hello Sherri warm greetings from a cold Holland, how are you doing ?

Doing great! Just returned from a great church service.

TMR: Can you briefly tell who is ‘Sherri Ross’.

hmmm! well, I am a disabled woman who loves God and His metalmusicans/bands. I am also a grandmother to two beautiful girls; Kaylin (5) and Sophia (2).

TMR: How did you become a band-manager ? From which bands ?

I started in this business in 2008; looking to help get the word out about a local Christian power metal band. It was then I came across Scott Waters of Ultimatum.He asked if I would review their new cd at the time called “Lex Metalis” since we had both grew up with 80s mainstream metal..The band asked me if I would consider promoting them. I recently promoted their 20th anniversary cd. It was also then I came across the testimony of Steve Rowe and his fight for life against cancer. I wrote him several times without hearing a thing.. I had wanted him to know how he inspired me not to give up serving God and that I could still serve God even though I was disabled. Sometime in 2011 Steve FINALLY found me on facebook and first asked if I would be willing to promote Mortification and Wonrowe Vision.. January 2012 I was asked to serve as International band manager and online promoter to Rowe Productions; which I still do! It is a tremedous blessing to be able to be work with your spiritual and musican role model. I have also promoted Jimi Bennett of  King James, Under Command, Rottweiler Records, Phenex Rising and others.

What are your tasks as a band manager / promoter ?

As a promoter I always look for creative ways to post videos..on the Mortification band page at present I have been going to through the discography from the first cd to the most recent. I always tell fans what cd the song is from and where they may purchase it. I also have a close interaction with our fans. I also stay in touch with radio djs, local promoters and other people in the music industry! I send many emails a day.As manager for Mortification; it means overseeing all our social networks,reverbnation,myspace etc and keeping them up to date with pictures,videos and latest songs. I also have great communication with Steve Rowe and report everything directly to him and we work on details together as a team. He is always openminded to some idea that I may have about presenting his music.Other times,he will forward an email me asking me to handle the request as the band manager.So,as you can see,my day is filled! lol! I am never far away from my computer or my cell phone!! lol!

TMR: Tell us a story about a day in your life.

Wow! I wake up and seek the Lord in my devotions and pray. Check my emails and pray on which song by Mortification to share with our facebook friends and go right to work. I also spend time with my daughter and granddaughters.

One day a week Steve and I will enjoy a time of catching up and sharing what is going on with the ministries.

TMR: What inspires you to do what you do?

God motivates me. It brings such joy to my heart when you can serve God by serving others. The music also inspires me. You have to love who/what you represent. I love metal and Mortification lyrics inspire me. There is much to learn about God and myself and God often speaks to me through those lyrics.

TMR: What makes you laugh?

That is easy. Most people (fans) don’t realize how very funny Steve Rowe can be. He is always quick with a joke.

TMR: What is the dumbest question you have ever been asked?

Is Jayson Sherlock still in the band??

TMR: Do you have a life philosophy / favorite quote ?

I aim to serve God by serving others through their metal music ministries. “Live each day to its fullest.” The Joy of the Lord is my strength!

TMR: The last album you bought ?

Sheezsh! bought? The last cd I have received was “Stolen Innocence” by Rosanna Palmer

TMR: What is your favorite album top 5 of all times ?

1.Post Momentary Affliction~Mortification
2.Into the Pit~Ultimatum
3.Sea of Black~Mass
4.Envision Evangelene~Mortification
5.Inner Sanctum~Grave Robber
I have many other great cds that I listen to.

TMR: Are you visiting many gigs and what do you listen to these days?

I havent been to show since May 2011. Mostly I listen to Mortification and Ultimatum and some mainstream stuff.

TMR: Tell us about the hardrock/metal scene in your area please?

There are alot of great bands around here.But,the scene seems dominated by coverbands.

TMR: What’s your outlook on the record industry today?

Sadly, Jesus gospel evangelical bands are being pushed out of the way for more social commentary bands. Many Christian bands are doing this in order to make more money. Illeagal internet downloads are killing the industry. Also to some extent, Itunes.. I personally love a cd. I love the lyrics, pictures, linear notes etc.

TMR: Do you have any dreams / goals for the new upcoming year [or the future]

I would like to see the next Wonrowe Vision cd released to be one that Mortification fans will love. My goal is to give all my bands the best promotion possible.A dream would be to tour with Mortification and finally see this great band live!

TMR: Sherri thanks for your time and the interview, we wishing you all the best during the Christmas period and for 2013 … Is there anything you wanna say at last? [any final statement ?]

Merry CHRIST mas to all of you. Thank you for the opportunity to be interviewed. Keep Jesus first, be a blessing to others and count your blessings! Pray and walk with God always!

Sherri & Grave Robber

Mortfication 2012


Roweproductions / Rottweiler Records

Mortfication: Myspace / Facebook / Reverbnation / Youtube 

Wonrowe Vision: Myspace / Facebook / Reverbnation

2 Replies to “Interview With ‘Sherri Ross’ Band Manager For ‘Mortification’ And Others

  1. I talked with Sherri a few times, and I assure this woman is the BEST in what she does! I love to see her solid faith in Christ Jesus and her efforts to promote the bands that I love (now I’m biased, haha). I wish her all the best, may our Lord Christ Jesus bless her life very richly and always!

  2. Sherri is one of my best friends and THE BEST at what she does. She reminds me of the Apostle Paul. Even though she has her ‘thorn in the flesh’ this does NOT stop her from serving God through Metal Ministry! God has give her the strength and the grace to do so! The bands / Artists she promotes/manages are BLESSED to have her! God Bless you Sherri my Metal Sister!!! <3

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