When the current millennium began, a new future lay ahead for the guys from Methusalem. Having all been previously involved in death and gothic metal bands, they believed it was time to pay homage to the past. And hey, they had about a thousand years before some bug would destroy the world again, so there was plenty of time! And so Methusalem was founded, the basic idea being to create a modern form of old school heavy metal. Lets have a chat with these Frisian metal warriors.

[TMR] Hello to you from ‘The Metal Resource’ Holland, how are things going there in Fryslan [Netherlands]

[M] We’re still rockin, life is good!

[TMR] Will you Introduce yourself and the band please ! [name and instrument]

[M] Well I’m Harold doing the Lead vocals, DJ: Guitar/BGV’s. Dennis: Guitar, BGV’s, Wilco: Bass, Jort: Drums

[TMR] Can you tell us something about the origin of  ‘Methusalem’ please?

[M] We all played in different bands, different styles. But when Jort & Wilco deceided to quit their gothic band and formed a new heavy metal band Methusalem they were searching for guitarists and a singer. DJ & Dennis joined them (Dennis picked up the lead vocals in the beginning ‘cause they couldn’t find a singer). After a few years I joined the band.

[TMR] Are you guys full time musicians ? If not what kind of job or school do you do beside the band ?

Wilco: Piano tuner and CNC appellant
Dennis: Traffic Specialist @UPC Nederland
Jort: Marketing & PR Coordinator Poppodium Romein
Promoter Dokk’em Open Air festival
Harold: I also do many projects , so if you need a vocalist, drummer, guitarist or bass player ..just contact me.

[TMR] Is this your first band ? [for everyone personal]

Wilco: Disorder and Worshipband Follow
Dennis: First band was Plastic Sunday
Jort: Together with Wilco (bass-player) I have played in a melodic death metal band called (Disorder). Because our addiction for heavy metal music, with real singing – not the grunting crab – we decided to start Methusalem back in 2000. I have done several temporally projects in the past, but due to obligations with work, festival and family, Methusalem is the only band I played in for the last 10 years.
Harold: No, my first bands before Methusalem were: Tribute, Kickshaw and Vangrail, + Projects.

[TMR] Why the name ‘Methusalem’ ? Is there a story behind it ?

Jort: Heavy metal is the oldest form of metal. Methusalem is supposed to be the oldest man lived on earth. So, the name is a kind of metaphor for
going back to the roots of metal.

[TMR] Who writes the music/lyrics in ‘Methusalem’? .. how do you get in the mood for writing music? And which bands/situations have influences you for writing music and lyrics ?

[M] The music we create together, most of the time someone comes with a good riff and before we know it ..it’s a song. The lyrics are done by DJ, Dennis and I. One is writing about our heavy metal addiction, the other about feelings ..a great mix! If I speak for myself no band has any influence on me if I write a song, it comes from the heart.

[TMR] How do you describe the music of ‘Methusalem’ the best ?

[M] Old school heavy metal, with groovy hardrock songs …but you can hear in all our basic elements our love for heavy metal.

[TMR] How does ‘Methusalem’ stands in life till events in the world, religion and politics and in which proportion stands that till your music and lyrics ?

[M] We try to stay positive, even though it’s sometimes hard. Lyrically you can find elements about how we feel about certain things. For example on our latest CD “Unite & Conquer” you’ll find songs about the war, how people make eachother’s life miserable through politics & stuff.

[TMR] For a lot of bands the lyrics are just a accidental circumstance, but for some bands they use them to communicate ! ..can you tell us how that is for ‘Methusalem’?

[M] We don’t push anyone to believe something we say. It’s more the feeling by a song how we create our lyrics (the mood/vibe). But if we say “Get ready to Rock” we want you to rock!

[TMR] What is the message you want to bring with ‘Methusalem’?

[M] Keep that old heavy metal alive!

[TMR] Is there a highlight you will always remember, since the beginning of ‘Methusalem’?

[M] Getting bigger & share the stage with bands you’ve never expected to play with.

[TMR] And the worst thing were ? [if there is one]

[M] hmmm yes …being drunk on stage :S

[TMR] Name some of your favorite bands to play with live [past and future] and tell us why ?

[M] Anthrax, Maiden, Priest, Primal Fear, Stryper, Bride, Queensryche …they influenced us all.

[TMR] What is your favorite food and drink? for everyone personal [no idea why people always want to know that]

Wilco: Fish and Wine
Dennis: Favourite Food: any kind of meat, drinks: gin-tonic, yogi-drinks
Jort: If you are really interested in my favorite food and drink, get a life!
Harold: Italian, Mexican food. Drinks …guess anything with alcohol.

[TMR] First record you bought? [for everyone personal]

DJ: I think the first record I bought was Michael Jackson’s Bad. My first metal album was Roots by Sepultura. I saw them perform on the Pinkpop festival and I instantly knew this was the right stuff for me.
Wilco: Live after death – iron maiden
Dennis: LP Iron Maiden think it was Seventh Son Of a Seventh Son, CD Queensryche – LiveCrime
Jort: Anthrax – Among the living. I’m still a big fan of Anthrax.
Harold: man ..that’s long ago. I think it was Darrell Mansfield – Live @ Flevo

[TMR] What makes you laugh? [for everyone personal]

DJ: Other people’s stupidity and my own jokes.
Wilco: My daughter.
Dennis: Eddie Murphy.
Jort: If I accomplished a goal and my wise little daughter.
Harold: my dog, he’s weird.

[TMR] How do you prepare for a show? [for everyone personal]

DJ: I take a shit. Or two. And then most of the time I do a little warming up on the guitar. After which I often go to the toilet, sit down and take another dump. And after thad: I’m ready to rock!
Wilco: Smoking a cigar
Dennis: I’m watching the place to play very carefully to absorb the energy. Talk to people from the venue. And offcourse there some
Jort: Drink some hot Coffee and chat with the promoter by arrival. Then, hopefully, have a good diner. After that, I try to warm-up a bid and get in the mood whit my band mates.
Harold: drinking some shots of alcohol, and warming up the pipes!

[TMR] What is your favorite ‘Methusalem’ song [for everyone personal]

DJ: Tough one, but I think it’s ‘We’re Riding Out’ from the first MCD, because of the thematic build-up musically and the fact that I managed to get an ‘Iron Clad Pideon’ in to the lyrics. Not only because pigeons wearin iron outfits are awesome, but mainly because (as far as my English vocabulary goes) pigeon is the only think I could come up with that rhymes with religion.
Wilco: Were riding out
Dennis: Helepolis
Jort: We’re Riding Out is, since we wrote it, my favorite Methusalem song. It has everything in it, it really grabs the 80ties vibe we’re standing for. Good melodies lines, complex riffs but still catchy. Drums and guitar are total in line and the solo’s and twin guitar stuff are perfectly mixed in the song.
Harold: At this time, We’re riding out.

[TMR] Favorite movie[s]? [for everyone personal]

DJ: I have many, picking one would simply do the others injustice. But to name a few: Magnolia, O’Brother Where Art Thou, Braindead, Cornman
Wilco: The passion of the Christ
Dennis: A lot of Fantasy stuff, Horror- and War movies, actually al lot of stuff in different genres.
Jort: Pulp fiction
Harold: Con Air (it’s old, but still very good!)

[TMR] What is the dumbest question you have ever been asked? [for everyone personal]

DJ: Any question to which the one asking it already knew the answer.
Wilco: This question
Dennis: What is the dumbest question you have ever been asked?
Jort: There is no such thing as a stupid question. When you do not ask questions, you will stay stupid!
Harold: too many to mention

[TMR] Do you have a life philosophy? [for everyone personal]

DJ: Nope, adhering to one philosophy would be to exclude others. I try to keep an open mind, whatever the subject. Which could be seen as a philosophy, given the fact that it’s a statement in an answer to a question about a life philosophy…But, it’s not. And I don’t. Do whatever you like. There I go again…..
Wilco: Only by living in Jesus you can only be free.
Dennis: Don’t irritade yourself regarding other people, just live your life the way you feel like.
Jort: Dogged does it.
Harold: Chase your dreams!

[TMR] Are you visiting many gigs, and what do you listen to these days? [for everyone personal]

DJ: The first: sometimes, if there’s anything cool in town or if there’s some act at traveling distance that I absolutely have to see. But I don’t go everywhere anymore, not like I used to in the past at least. The latter: not much. I’m not much of a music listener and when I do, it’s mostly not metal anymore, although I still love it. I mostly listen to classical music and singer-songwriter stuff.
Wilco: Mostly gospel concerts. (Gaither vocal band, Jason Upton, ect.)
Dennis: I used to visit more gigs than I do now. I intend do more gigs with Methusalem instead nowaday’s.
About music : we’ll every morning, when traveling to work, I listen to an internet radio station called “Epic Rock Radio”. There’s a good mixture of heavy/power/melodic rock/metal-music involved.
Jort: I go to gigs often. Most of the time it’s work related. Nevertheless, I still going to metal bands and I still listen a lot to 80ties metal. But it is true, if you’re getting older you’re more open for other styles as well.
Harold: When I was younger you could find me very often @ festivals, gigs. Times are changing ..But if there is a really good band touring here, I’m there!

[TMR] Tell us about the hardrock/metal scene in your area please?

[M] Metal lives here a lot. Especially now that a lot of new (good) bands are risen over here!

[TMR] How do you think about downloading music from the Internet ?

[M] It’s a fast and easy way to collect all your favorite tunes. And hey ..if someone’s really interested in your music, they will buy the original album.

[TMR] What about your latest album ‘Unite and Conquer’ [2010], please tell us about the songs, the recording proces, artwork, label etc.

[M] This album was more rock than the other ones. We would make a more commercial album. The album was mastered by an international mastering professional, Darius van Helfteren, who had also previously worked with Judas Priest and the Scorpions. He gave the album that last edge that it needed to sound truly great. Finnish graphic designer Jan Yrlund was asked to create the artwork and succeeded in capturing the overall lyrical theme of the album in the cover artwork.

[TMR] What are the plans for the new/upcoming year? [New album maybe ?]

[M] Keep on touring + working on a new album.

[TMR] Guys thanks for your time and the interview, we wish ‘Methusalem’ all the best … Is there anything you wanna say at last? [any final statement ?]

[M] For more info you can check us out @  Website Facebook / MyspaceFor now I wish you all the best, Keep on Rockin’! and thnx to you.

Upcoming gigs so far:

The Rock Temple
Old School Metalfest Part 1
Vanderbuyst, Steelwing, SkullFist, Slavantas, Methusalem


De Gloppe
Blaze Bayley + Methusalem + Roadkill

Rhapsody of Fire, Korpiklaani, Septic Flesh, Trollfest, Odd Demension, Methusalem, Goliath

Dennis, Dirk Jan, Harold, Wilco, Jort

Video below: Methusalem performing Helepolis  at Poppodium Romein, Leeuwarden/Holland sept. 18th 2011

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