Dutch based hardcore outfit From The Heart, hailing from Rotterdam, are back with their second full-length album “Make It Last”. The release date is set on October 20, 2017. Let’s keep it short and skip directly to the actual album.

The first track ‘Intro’ is exactly that; an intro. Where other bands sometimes make their intro’s long and boring or completely unnecessary, From The Heart knows how to give it a punch. This is an intro that immediately makes you hungry for more. Directly followed by ‘Passion’, a song with a high old school New York hardcore vibe. I am instantly reminded of hardcore-legends Sick Of It All, and yes that is a compliment. The track isn’t alone called ‘Passion’ it is full of passion… ‘King Of The Hill’ rages forth with the same energy, packed with heavy riffs and the breakdown at 0:22 minutes…. Just epic! This track is one of my personal favorites.

‘Self-Destruct’is with 2:49 minutes the longest track, never a dull moment though.
You know; I am not going to give a song by song description because I could say all the aforementioned arguments over and over again. It is what it is: a combination of Eurocore blended with old school New York hardcore, the best of two worlds in a tasty cocktail. But I have to mention ‘My Revenge’, an up-tempo song with an energy that must be the cause of a huge pit when played live. Near the end of the song the riff reminds me a bit of Slayer. In hardcore you say? Yes it is possible and if you don’t agree; sue me!

Then it is time for the last track ‘In This Together’ for me the absolute highlight of this album. Passionate, high energy and raw, packed with melodic guitar-lines. Love the gang vocals. This track also features Mike from Only Attitude Counts and Spidercrew.

If I understood all the lyrics correctly then it is, again, about live and the struggles and trials that we all have to deal with.

The mix is also done well, all the instruments are well-defined, and I love the sound of the Bass. Listening to this album with a good set of headphones is mandatory.

From now and then you have a band/album that reminds you why you fell in love with hardcore in the first place, From The Heart’s “Make It Last” is in that category. I have said it in the review that I wrote for their first album, “Leave It All Behind”, and I will say it again: Music from the heart by From The Heart!

Rating: 8.5/10

Written by: René Woning

1. Intro
2. Passion
3. King Of The Hill
4. Out Of The Game
5. Self-Destruct
6. Your Hate
7. Empty Words & Empty Hearts
8. Stronger
9. My Revenge
10. The Good Old Days
11. In This Together (Feat. Mike Olbrich)

Band members:
Dennie van der Velden – Vocals
Jack van de Werken – Guitar
Aart van der Jagt – Drums
Tymen van der Wijk – Bass

“Demo” (2012)
“Leave It All Behind” (2015) [review]
“Make It Last” (2017)

Record label: WTF Records, October 2017

Weblinks: Facebook / Bandcamp / Instagram

Buy the album here:
Holland: First Paradox
Norway: Nordic Mission


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