Everyone knows very well the ongoings that took place earlier 2012, where people in their very malicious gossip and slander and liars tried to separate the pair and consequently block one of the most promising works of the National Modern Metal … Unfortunately their EP is not out yet as we hoped, but its final mix will roll in 2013 for sure!

But this video marks the return of Lean Van Ranna [picture] and Michel Marcos singing together again, in a KILLER cover of Divinefire, which was already recorded about 1 month ago, but we expected this suggestive date, one day before the “imminent end”, haha ! (laughter) You guys have just over 1 hour to check out this cover song, haha, because there is still Time of Salvation! (now that’s serious!). The video can be seen below.

There it is – Divinefire – Time of Salvation [a cover by Lean Van Ranna & Michel Marcos [UnknownGod].
Whether the world ends or not, we’ll stand hand in hand for the sake of the true union of the Brazilian metal music. God bless you !

Honor our musicians, honor our bands, there is room for everyon: Together we can do more, honor the national metal! And, if the world doesn’t end for you before, Merry Xmas and a blessed 2013!!!

Weblinks: Lean Van Ranna / Michel Marcos / UnknownGod

Written by Márllon Matos
Translated by Carol Mariana

2 Replies to “‘Divinefire’ ‘Time For Salvation’ Covered By Brazilian Musicians

  1. Thanks for the opportunity, happiness, success, and that this version of the song encourages many to believe in themselves and believe in their own talent!

    Peace and Light!

    Michel Marcos, vocals

  2. This song is so amazing…the vocals line and the guts line been terreble hehe…God bless you guys the best cover that i seen

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