Italian Metal/Thrash band Boarders posted a new song on their website. The song is called 4th Reich and features Jeff Waters [Annihilator]. The new song is available on their website. The new album is titled R-Existence, which will follow in december.

R-Existence will be the follow up to The World Hates Me, which was released in 2007Watch the promo for R-Existence below.

About Boarders:  A band that can trace its history back to the late eighties, Boarders presents a unique melding of the aggressive and melodic that draws extensively from the musical trends of the decade in question. And nowhere is that more evident than in the group’s thrash heavy material in that “Schmertzgarten”, “Deliver You Back To Hell”, “For What It’s Worth” and “W.P.D.” all deliver a sound certain to garner the interest of those into Megadeth, Metallica, and old school Deliverance. As a matter of fact,

Boarders once gained notoriety in Italy – back in their pre-Christian days – as a Megadeth cover band; hence, the inclusion of the old Megadeth song “In My Darkest Hour” (off So Far, So Good, So What) makes perfect sense. A more melodic aspect to the bands song writing skills, on the other hand, can be found in the straightforward metal and hard rock direction taken on “True Rebellion”, “Baptized With Fire” and “Jump For Joy”. Fast, energetic and catchy, these are three up-tempo numbers that bring to mind Bride (both late eighties and early nineties era), Iron Maiden, Barren Cross and Sacred Warrior.

To say that lead vocalist Egi owns a set of pipes would be an understatement. While staying mostly in mid-octave territory with a vocal style that is equal parts clean and equal parts gritty, he adds a harsh element to his delivery on “Deliver You Back To Hell” and even mixes in some extreme growling on “For What It’s Worth”. Lead guitarist Gigi proves every bit as much a talent, combining with Egi on rhythm guitar to contribute the album’s catchy guitar riffs – some faster and more up-tempo and others slower but heavier – while furnishing its scorching lead guitar. The albums low end, at the same time, makes its presence felt as well. Give credit to Oscar and Roby for joining an excess of pronounced bass lines with a pummelling drum sound to put in place a rhythm section that is nothing less than monstrous.


Egi – Guitar/Vocals
Gigi – Lead Guitar
Oscar – Bass
Roby – Drums

 Weblinks: WebsiteMyspace Facebook Reverbnation 

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