worldview_earth__logo_021Worldview is a powerhouse Prog Metal band that is made up of veteran musicians from iconic bands such as Sacred Warrior, Deliverance, Recon and Vengeance Rising. Setting out to blast the world with their new Metal along with a powerful message. Recently we had the opportunity to do an interview with Rey Parra and George Ochoa. They talk about the beginning of Worldview, future plans, the recording process of “The Chosen Few” and much more:

TMR: Hello George and Rey, this is ‘The Metal Resource’ from Holland, how are things going there in California ?

George: Hello to all in Holland. California is hot right now (weather wise). I almost wished that I lived in Europe because metal is alive and well there. Too much pop and rap music out here.

TMR: Will you Introduce yourself and the band please !

George Rene Ochoa – Guitars, keyboards, background vocals
Rey Parra – Lead Vocals
Johnny Gonzales – Drums, percussion
Todd Libby – Bass, keyboards

TMR: You are all veteran musicians in the Christian metal scene. What is your musical background ? & tell us the brief history of ‘Worldview’.

Rey: I was the co-founder, lead vocalist / front man for Sacred Warrior, Sacred Warrior is a Chicago based metal band formed in 1989.

George: I used to be in the band Recon on Intense Records and then I was in Deliverance. I got to tour with the Deliverance to support the first record then we started rehearsing and writing the “Weapons of our Warfare” record. Who knew that it would be such a success.

Johnny Gonzales,Todd Libby and I were working together for some time and knew that we wanted to put out a record and play live. At the same time Rick Macias (Sacred Warrior) and I talked about doing project together with his best friend and ex-band mate Rey Parra. I had met the guys in Sacred Warrior when I was on tour with Deliverance. Rick Macias and I struck up a friendship and kept in touch through they years. Rick ended up passing away and when that happened, Rey and I started talking. We decided to form Worldview in honor of Rick’s wish. Little did I know that Rick was hitting up Rey to call me and get this project going. Funny how things workout sometimes.

TMR: Why the name Worldview ? Is there a story behind it ?

George: Worldview is a term that applies to EVERYONE. Everyone has a worldview. It’s either a good one or a bad one. The way one perceives life and life issues. In Worldview, we base our worldview on the truth of the Bible.

Worldview_2015TMR: Who writes the music/lyrics in Worldview ? … how do you get in the mood for writing music? And which bands/situations have influences you for writing music and lyrics ?

Rey: The majority of the music and lyrics were written by Ochoa however Ronson Webster helped a lot and I had some input. Mostly on phrasing and setting the mood. My influences for this album were Kamelot, Dream Theatre and Pink Floyd.

George: Some these songs go back years. I wrote some of them based upon some issues in my life. I would say that I wrote most of the material but I also had a lot of help. Ronson Webster was my writing right hand man. I co-wrote some of songs with a couple of other people. I like that there was many hands in the writing, because that’s how you get multiple flavors to your music.

Believe it or not, I write a lot while I am driving. That’s why I always have something in my car to record my ideas before I forget them.

My influences span through the years, I love Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Rush, (Old) Queensryche, Iron Maiden, Dio, Kamelot, Nightwish just to name a few.

TMR: What are some key principles or phylosophies that you hold onto as foundational stones as who you are as a person?

Rey: I believe in the solid rock, Jesus Christ. I have my convictions and a relationship with Christ. I believe the word of God and try to pattern my life by the word.

George: Rey said it great. Just trying to be a light in this dark world.

TMR: Is there already a highlight you will always remember, since the beginning of ‘Worldview’?

Rey: recording the track Mortality was a lot of fun. George and I were cutting up and doing some crazy video shots. There’s one part in where I sing the chorus like Daffy Duck. Just crazy clean fun.

George: When Rey and I were recording the vocals to The Last Cry we were both weeping and thanking Jesus for His sacrifice on the cross for us. Powerful moment. I’ll never forget it.

TMR: And the worst thing were ? (if there is one)

Rey: on one of my trips, I was stopped 7 times (randomly so they say) by security and checked for who knows what. Lol

George: if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it. It was all good, mostly!!!

TMR: So what makes you laugh?

Rey: my kids and my wife. We try to have a lot of fun and often puck on each other in ways that we all crack up.

George: Funny things

TMR: What is your biggest fear ?

Rey: as time goes by and I realize that I am getting older I often think about forgetting the lyrics on stage. Hey it could happen. Lol

George: Getting too old to rock. Can anyone relate? Seriously, that is the beauty in being a Christian…..Jesus takes away your fears and gives you hope and yearning for the future. I love it.

TMR: What are some of the things you like to do away from the band?

Rey: I like fishing with my boys and family cookouts. We are a close family and we enjoy each other’s company.

George: Hang out with my wife Denise. Hang out with my family. Hang out with my friends. Cook (I am a great cook), eat, drag race (just kidding). Fishing is fun.

TMR: Speaking of recording, your longawaited debut album “The Chosen Few” has been released in Europe on May 22nd, what can you tell us about the album [such as the recording proces, the songs etc]. The album is released through ‘M24 Music Group’, how did you get signed by them ?

George: The recording process was great. Todd and Johnny live very close to me so recording them at my studio was easy. Ronson came over often to recording background vocals and keys. Rey had to fly out from Florida three times to get it done.

Most of the songs Had already been written but we came up with some very cool last minute things. Like “Mortality” was one of the last songs we wrote and I was blown away how cool it came together. In fact it’s my favorite tune on the cd. “Walk Through Fire” almost didn’t make it on the record but I glad it did. Montana Shane helped me to finish it and change it. Otherwise I was going to scrap it the old way. I am really pleased how it turned out.

M24 Music Group is a company that I started to promote this record along with a Ulterium Records. For some reason Ulterium Records didn’t want to release the Worldview record on their label. They have sited “Musical direction differences”. You’ll have to ask them to expound.

There are some people out there that would like to put us in this “classic metal box” because of the bands that Rey and I came from. I say forget that. I want Worldview to be relevant today, I want Worldview to be modern. We still have our metal influences but we strive to put a modern twist on everything. I have had people say to me “You guys are too modern, I was expecting more classic metal”. I would say to that person, “Lock yourself up in a closet with your Dio, Metaliica and Iron Maiden CDs and have at it”. Meanwhile they would be missing out on great newer metal bands like Amaranthe, Sonata Artica, Symphony X, In This Moment, etc. So many great acts. How can you discount their awesome music just because it doesn’t sound like rehashed 80’s and 90’s metal.

worldview_artwork.smallTMR: About the cover artwork. Do you think it is as important as your music? Does it visualize the lyrics of your songs or what’s the actual story behind its concept?

Rey: absolutely, the cover art had to be intelligent, it had to tell a story all by itself. And I think it does a good job of that.

George: I came up with the concept and Emil at Ulterium Records asked Felipe to execute it. What a great job he did. Everyone seems to really like the cover. Felipe deserves all the credit. The cover is suppose to portray ones view of the world set before them. In essence, their worldview. A person that has no hope in the afterlife, can only be preoccupied with his or her daily surrounding circumstances. They have little to no concept of eternity. When you have Biblical based Worldview, eternity is now at the forefront of your daily thought process. You keep your eyes on the prize of heaven. You know that this life is just temporary and only through faith in Christ will one see eternity. Heaven is available for those who can see it and want to see it.

TMR: How do you promote your band and shows ?

Rey: multimedia is a big factor in promoting but so is word of mouth and great album reviews.

TMR: Tell us about the hardrock/metal scene in your area please?

George: The metal scene is terrible here in Los Angeles, California, USA.

TMR: How do you prepare for a show?

Rey: a couple days prior to a show I start speaking softly and doing vocal exercises and meditating on the word of God.

George: I don’t, I just do it.

TMR: What would be the ultimate cover tune for Worldview ?

Rey: Symphony X’s , When all is Lost

George: Wasted years / Iron Maiden. (But a modernized version)

TMR: What is your favorite concert that you saw and what made it so good?

Rey: I would have to say that it was Iron Maiden at Chicago’s Navy Pier. Their stage presents, lighting, props and just total professionalism is what all bands should strive for.

George: Kamelot recently put on a great show. They were really tight. Awesome sound also. Scorpions still have it. I recently saw them. Can you believe that Judas Priest is still selling out arenas. They were great also. Halford still has the lungs. Very inspiring.

TMR: What is the most embarrassing music on your phone or in your collection and how do you justify it to others?

Rey: I don’t have music on my phone.

George: Backstreet Boys / Larger Than Life. I think that it can be covered to be a metal song. Who knows, maybe Worldview will do a cover of it and beef it up.

TMR: If you could pick a band to tour with, who would it be? And where would the tour go?

Rey: I would love to tour with Nightwish in Europe, Brazil and surrounding countries.

George: Backstreet Boys (just kidding). Nightwish is fine. Whoever, wherever.

TMR: What is the dumbest question you have ever been asked?

Rey: If I was one of the roadies. Just thought that was funny.

George: Rey, you do kind of look like a roadie. Lol!

The dumbest question anyone has ever asked me……When someone they said that they saw me at a Crucified show and then they sent me an email asking: “Saw you at the Crucified show last night and you just snubbed me and my friend. You must really think that you are a big Rock Star?” To which I replied…..”I WASN’T AT THE SHOW”. Which I wasn’t. These dummies thought that I was someone else that dogged them. Now, that is by far the stupidest question anyone has ever asked me.

Screenshot_from_2015-08-19_152530_38d__1__412TMR: What are the biggest obstacles for bands ?

Rey: I believe that people are really hurting the bands by pirating the music or making free copies for their friends. Bands work hard to produce music for the fans year after year and people are just giving it away. I know that most of the time it is just to share some good music with friends but it really is hurting us. The other big obstacle I see is the lack of promotion for concerts. That’s just my opinion.

George: Rey hit the nail on the head, As Gene Simmons said “FANS have ruined the record industry not the record companies”. Well, I wholeheartedly AGREE! Until you people decide to stop disrespecting bands by stealing their music, the industry is going to get sicker and sicker.

TMR: As a band today, what do you think is the biggest challenge you face?

Rey: wanting to tour and support our album but having full time jobs that will allow us to do so. All musicians want to write music and tour enough to support a gilt but it is difficult to do unless you are a super group.

George: Read my above answer again.

TMR: Any (tour) plans for the near future ?

George: Worldview hopes to play many shows and meet people face to face out there. We are excited about rehearsing for our upcoming shows. We are excited about starting preproduction for our next record. It’s going to be tough to top this record. But we will try.

TMR: George and Rey thanks for your time and the interview. We wish Worldview all the best … Is there anything you wanna say at last ? [any final statement ?]

George: We would love ALL metal fans to give Worldview / The Chosen Few a listen. If you like the great vocals, ripping guitars, thunderous bass, melodic keyboards, awesome drumming, great message in the lyrics, amazing songwriting with a great production, go out and buy it and DON’T PIRATE IT.

Purchase at: Amazon or at iTunes

Weblinks: Facebook / Website /  Twitter

Video below: ‘Illusions of Love’

Video below ‘The Last Cry’

Lyric video: ‘Mortality’

Video below: “The Chosen Few” (Album Teaser)

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