YourChanceToDie_2015_555Female fronted melodic death metal band Your Chance To Die (YCTD) just checked in with the following announcement:

“Who wants to hear the new YCTD album? First one to feature Som Pluijmers and Missi Avila on vocals?  Unfortunately just writing amazing music will only get you so far. As of date we have not been able to sign a new record deal so that means we need our fans. You can do one of two things. Blow up your favorite extreme label’s Facebook and email and tell them you want to hear us, or donate to our campaign so we can record it ourselves. Either way, we need every one of you to help out. Share this post, take a minute to contact a record label and/or donate a few bucks to help us record. We are counting on you to make this dream a reality!!”

Your Chance To Die [YCTD] was formed in 2007 by original members Coca andMissi Avila. Over the last 8 years, the band has morphed into the current lineup of powerhouse musicians Chase Crouch and Coca Avila (guitar), Thomas White(drums), Stephen Sanchez (bass), and Missi Avila and Som Pluijmers (vocals). The band which began as a 4 piece metalcore act has now progressed into a melodic death metal machine, featuring powerful vocals by Missi and Som (ex-vocalist for Cerebral Bore).

YCTD has a long touring record, including opening national tours for bands like Origin, Wednesday 13, King Parrot, Arsonists Get all The Girls, and Beyond Creation. They have also toured as a headlining act to Central America and Mexico, as well as several national tours.

YCTD brings energy and passion to the stage and is gaining world wide momentum as they gain exposure. Curious fans always stay to hear this dual female fronted death metal band, and always leave impressed and begging for more. YCTD has been featured on several local, national and international radio stations, national magazines and websites. As Outburn magazine stated ‘this band is one to look out for, for years to come!’

YCTD has produced 2 full length records (“Suscitacio Somnus” 2011; “The American Dream” 2013) and are now currently working on their third. This new record is sated to be a masterpiece, with the first 2 tracks available as a preproduction upon request. It will be the first record to feature Thomas White and Stephen Sanchez, as well as the first with the dual vocals of both Missi and Som. Fans are highly anticipating “Ex Nihilo”, due out in 2016. Check the teaser (pre-production) below.

“The American Dream” Album review quote:

“this is maximum face melting inducing death metal, that carries strong melodic influences enhanced by some great lead guitar work……still can’t believe its a woman on vocals!. Dudes just for that give it a listen, and mind your jaw don’t drop to hard against the floor. Death metal aside, any real lover music, and a love for musicianship would concur that there is mad skill on this album.”

Read the entire review for “The American Dream” here.

Weblinks: Myspace / Facebook / Twitter / Indiegogo Campaign

Video below: ‘Omega’ (Pre-Production)

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