The Thlipsis, a thrash metal project formed in 2018, has officially released their debut single, ‘Darkness Breakout’. The single, which discusses the Tiananmen Square massacre, has been in the works for several years, according to the project’s founder, Hyperion Zhang.

Zhang, who also is a guitarist for the band Risen, started the project in 2018 as a thrash metal project, influenced heavily by bands such as Death, Slayer, and Deliverance. Setting a timetable for himself, he set the release for July 4th, 2020. Hiring on his friends from previous interactions, the project became a band and began working hard to get the single done.

After signing with The Bearded Dragon Productions, the project’s momentum shot upward, getting more motivated, knowing they had the backing of a record label, even though the label is a smaller player in the scene.

The song heavily discusses the horrific event of the Tiananmen Square massacre, where the people of China rallied in peaceful protest for a more democratic state, though the event resulted in the deaths of many, with a proper death toll still going unconfirmed to this day, due to China’s Leninist model of government. Their governmental structure, founded around Communism and the Marxist philosophy, attacked the protestors with the death toll coming out to 300 officially, despite several reports that it was higher.

The debut single, which was performed by Zhang, Bassist Chris Amsden, and Drummer Mason Beard (Risen, Symphony of Heaven, Mystic Winter), is now streaming as of July 4th, on The Bearded Dragon Production’s


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