The VFrontiers Music will release “Now Or Never”, the debut album from Benedictum singer Veronica Freeman’s solo project The V, on July 3 in Europe and July 10 in North America.

The “Now Or Never” song ‘Line In The Sand’ can be streamed below.

The V marks a major step out of Veronica‘s comfort zone, since it delves into a definite melodic hard rock vibe.

An impressive array of talent has stepped up to assist The V in creating her solo project on many levels. The list includes Pete Wells, Aric Avina and Rikard Stjernquist of Benedictum, Michael Sweet (Stryper), Garry Bordonaro (The Rods),Jeff Pilson (Dokken, Foreigner), Mike LePond (Symphony X), Tony Martin (Black Sabbath), Leather Leone (Chastain), Jerry Dixon (Warrant), Jim Durkin (Dark Angel), Mick Tucker (Tank), Jordan Ziff (Age of Evil), Derek Kerswill (Unearth, Kingdom of Sorrow), Peter Tentindo (Venus Mars Project), John Herrera, Ryan Greene, Kenny Lewis, Meliesa McDonell, Michael Harris , Mel Brown and John O’Boyle.

Veronica comments: II had a lot of input and encouragement from Frontiers to try and stretch myself with different musical styles and approaches. It was great to be able to work with Pete Wells writing some of these songs too. So it was a no-brainer to accept their proposal for a solo album. I am a bit nervous and beyond excited!’

In a press release Frontiers says: ‘Be prepared! If you thought Veronica was just a heavy metal amazon, you’re going to be proven dead wrong! This is a massive melodic hard rock record with some great lead vocals which show a lot of the original influences that brought The V to be one of the most well know and recognized voices in the current metal scene!’


Track listing:

01. Again
02. Now Or Never
03. Roller Coaster
04. L.O.V.E.
05. Line In The Sand
06. Love Should Be To Blame
07. Kiss My Lips
08. Spellbound
09. Starshine
10. Below Zero
11. Ready To Run
12. King For A Day

“Now Or Never” recording lineup:

* Veronica Freeman – Lead vocals
* Leather Leone – Duet vocals on ‘Kiss My Lips’
* Tony Martin – Duet vocals on ‘King For A Day’
* Meliesa McDonell – additional vocals on ‘Star Shine’ and acoustic guitar
* Derek Kerswill – drums
* Jeff Pilson, Mel Brown, Garry Bordonaro, Aric Avina, John O’Boyle and Mike LePond – Bass
* Pete Wells, Michael Sweet, Peter Tentindo, Jim Durkin, Mick Tucker, Jordan Ziff, Michael Harris – Guitar

“Now Or Never” was produced by John Herrera except for the song ‘King For A Day’, which was produced by Kenny Lewis, and ‘Love Should Be To Blame’ and ‘Again’, which were produced by Michael Sweet.

Weblinks: Facebook / Twitter

Video below: ‘Line In The Sand’

Video below: ‘Again’

Video below: “Now or Never” (EPK)

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‘Benedictum’ Singer ‘Veronica Freeman’ to Release Solo Album “Now Or Never” (Feat. Mike LePond, Michael Sweet, Tony Martin & Others) [May 2015]
‘The V’ (Veronica Freeman) “Now Or Never” New EPK Available [June 2015]
‘The V’ (Veronica Freeman) ‘Michael Sweet’-Produced Song ‘Again’ Available for Streaming [June 2015]

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