silver_bells_gx_296Rock band The GX Project (Feat. Rex Scott of X-Sinner) has released ‘Silver Bells’ a Christmas single, the song is available for streaming at the bands website. The single will be available for purchase on iTunes soon.

The next album “Devil Lover” will be an early 2017 release while promotion of their last album ‘Raze Some Hell’ continues. Snippets of the new stuff will be posted when they are ready. All the songs rhythm tracks (guitars, bass, drums) and lead vocals are done as we start work on backing vocals and look at art mock-ups for album cover ideas.

Rex Scott the lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist of X-Sinner is extending his presence in hard rock by teaming up with the multi-talented producer/studio owner/player Glenn Thomas of Canada forming the side project called The GX Project (GX for short). After a very successful limited edition release of the dynamic duo’s debut titled “Bite Stick” (2012), one of the most underrated yet critically acclaimed albums of the year, the band has completed the stunning follow up “Sinner” (2014) and the epic latest “Raze Some Hell” (2016).

“Raze Some Hell” album review quote:

Their achievement is a great rock n roll album that certainly gets the head banging, and the foot tapping. Look at the end of the day it is a hook laden album from two great musicians in the vein of bands like AC/DC and Status quo. So if you into that, and feel like rocking out without being preached too, then the GX Project could be the right medicine the doctor has ordered for you. As a whole, from Art to music, “Raze Some Hell” is a well packaged rock n roll party box ready to explode onto your hi fi system and set your ears a blaze, well raising some hell in the process.

Read the entire review here.


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