"Finished People" 2014In every genre there is a band that stands out, a band that plays a significant role in the relevance and history of the genre, and Sleeping Giant is one of those bands.

Sleeping Giant is a Metal-core band from Redlands, California in the United States. Apparently or originally when they started all its members were a part of xDeathStarX, a Christian straight edge metal-core band (2002-2009), who were also signed to Facedown Records.

What one gets from listening to Sleeping Giant is that their purpose is to spread the love of Jesus Christ and to present the love of Christ and Father with passion and zeal. In short what they bring to the hardcore scene is end days worship that is set in their hearts to bring glory to God.

The name Sleeping Giant originated from the fact that people often sleep in their relationship with God, and the way we sometimes choose to live. However it’s time to wake up and do something about it, that’s the meaning of Sleeping Giant.

The purpose of Sleeping Giant has always been to give glory to God and the release of ‘Finished People’ is no different.

The thing about hardcore or metal-core is that there are a lot of bands that sound the same. It has honestly taken me a long time, and a lot of banging my head against the wall to accept that. I have come to the conclusion that it isn’t about to change, and I doubt it would ever.  But then again if that is what you are into hardcore or metal-core for then you need to look elsewhere in my opinion, because the root ingredient for both those genre’s is passion before diversity, and ‘Finished People’ gives a sense of a very passionate and energized band. You are not going to find massive amounts of diversity on the album, but what it lacks in diversity it more than makes up in passion. I have bought many albums in my lifetime as a music collector that I bought purely because of the passion of the band over the musical level of the release. It’s like some of those Christian movies, mostly of the past, they are often very badly made, but often the underlining message and passion is rock solid. Now stop there for a moment, I am not saying that the musical side of ‘Finished People’ is bad at all, in fact me saying that would be further from the truth.

Hardcore has become about the message you convey, and in many respects hardcore wears its heart on its sleeve. The thing is with Sleeping Giant is that their passion is catchy, their passion, and desire to bring glory to God has such an infectious appeal over it. There is a honesty and a realness that they bring to the plate. Sleeping Giant has always come across unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. On ‘Finished People’ those sentiments only solidify that as they continue to exude with passion and love for God.

There is no denying the obvious; this is a Sleeping Giant album. Everything you expect from them is packaged in its entirety. Dropping back on the meaning behind the title of the album, I discovered that the title apparently comes from a documentary that focused on the plight of finished people trapped within The Russian/Ukranian prison system, focusing on the inmates. This adds to the relevance and depth of the album. I also read up that the album and song draw parallels of this to us as finished people to the world – having died to self to follow Christ – and the hope we have in this. ‘Finished People’ as a theme comes from Mathew 25: 40. I also read up that Tommy had this to say on the theme of the album, “I found out over the last couple years that my family history and lineage was both more diverse, and much simpler than I had originally thought. This discovery and journey in lineage and legacy played a part in the theme or origin of the lyrics to this record.”

The album seems to have a lot to do with undying love. For me the fact that this is a strong element of the lyrics also shows the compassion and love that these guys have towards others as a band. The message of love can be a powerful sledgehammer to hurt, disappointments, and the violence of this world.

Like with most hardcore and metal-core albums you not going to find many songs musically that are going to just dive out at you. Though the combination of the lyrical themes and the music bring forth some powerful pieces that I found myself singing long after a song has passed. That said one will find the band pulling out many sing-a-along parts in their songs, you find yourself singing back the songs, enjoying the moments when you can sing along with the band,  this making the album an even more enjoyable experience, even though it might not be musically something surprising and new.

The music of “Finished People” almost demands a live setting. Not that you don’t experience anything really less playing it through ones stereo, but I think as a band, and as songs, they offer more from a live experience. One of the stand-out tracks from the release is the final song, “Victory”, a song that I find myself putting on repeat often. Musically it has a basic floor plan, but it’s that basic approach, that keeps the song rigid and strong allowing the powerful lyrics to pulverise the darkness and strengthen the heart with its truth.

SLEEPING GIANT are soldiers of battle, they are more than just your average metal-core band. In all honesty Sleeping Giant are a rugged, slug it out in the dirt bunch of men of God on mission, gospel in hand, with a lot of love to give, and have a passion for the things of the Kingdom. In many aspects I would like to believe that “Finished People” is a representation of their conviction as a band.

Rating: 8.5/10

Written by: Donovan de Necker

Track Listing:
1. Clutches (3:33)
2. Overthrow (2:45)
3. Finished People (3:06)
4. Death Knell (3:14)
5. Son Of God, Son Of Man (3:45)
6. Christus Victor (2:48)
7. Violence (3:04)
8. Brother’s Keeper (2:39)
9. The Great Divorce (3:14)
10. Blood Meridian (3:07)
11. Victory (5:06)

Band Members:
Thom Green – Vocals
Travis Boyd – Drums
Geoff Brouillette – Guitar
J.R. Bermuda – Bass
Eric Gregson – Guitar

“Dread Champions Of The Last Days” (2007)
“Sons Of Thunder” (2009)
“Kingdom Days In An Evil Age” (2011)
“Finished People” (2014)

Record Label: Century Media Records, Aug. 2014

Weblinks: Facebook / Myspace / Twitter

Buy the album here:
First Paradox
Norway: Nordic Mission
Metal Helm

Video below ‘Overthrow’

Video below ‘Finished People’


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