Thumper Punk Records is honored to announce the release of Edu NMZ’s contribution to the 3 Song Acoustic EP series. Edu NMZ is the guitarist and vocalist of Sao Paolo, Brazil’s great JCHC band No More Zombies, and operator of music webzine and record label Cristo Suburbano.

He is also currently working on a feature film documenting the Brazilian Christian punk scene, which is tentatively scheduled for release next year. We are thrilled to have such a vital member of our community participate in our 3 Song Acoustic EP series.

His tracks include:

1. Where Do I Go
2. Make it Worth it
3. Rasteira no Saci (English Version)

Available as limited edition 7″ vinyl from the TPR webstore and for digital download on iTunes, AmazonMP3, and from all the usual suspects.

The 3 Song Acoustic series features a monthly EP release from legends, friends and artists involved with the JCHC scene.

Thumper Punk Records helps artists record, produce and distribute music that reflects a positive, Christ-centered message.

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