Eraserhead is the brainchild of Jimmy P Brown II (Deliverance, Fearful Symmetry, Jupiter VI) together with former Deliverance band mates Jon Knox and Manny Morales. Their debut album will be released Sept. 18th on cd and vinyl via Retroactive Records. Listen to the second single ‘The Swell Lot of Thieves’ in the clip below.

About the album: For years Deliverance icon and creative mastermind has tried to balance speaking to fans of the thrash metal years, and fans of the Deliverance “creative years”. With Jimmy P. Brown II’s Eraserhead Jimmy is making a name change for the Deliverance sound that is full on heavy, metal, progressive, dark, and ultra creative (but not thrash or speed metal!). Featuring Manny Morales on bass, and Jon Knox (Adam Again, White Heart, Great White) on drums – this is the same trio responsible for the epic Deliverance releases titled “Learn” and “River Disturbance” which both feature Jimmy Brown as a master axeman on rhythm and lead guitars. As accomplished as Jimmy P. Brown II has been with mind-rattling epic metal releases like “Stay of Execution,” “Learn,” & “River….” With Eraserhead the bar has been set infinitely higher.

Eraserhead is more….more melodic, more progressive, more unified, more diverse, and more creative. Of the many musical masterpieces Jimmy P. Brown has gifted this world, Eraserhead is without a doubt his Magnum Opus, his crowning achievement. And, it’s not even close. This is Deliverance – the “creative years” team that has set their sights on creating the finest metal album of 2018, and decades to come. It’s almost impossible to choose a favorite song…..the infectious ‘Digital Postage Stamp’ will have you singing in seconds, while ‘Swell Lot…’ flirts with creative heights that are held for the most elite in music and metal. But then the last song on the CD, the 7 minute ‘The Watchers’ (featuring a guest appearance from Eric Clayton of Savior Machine) embarks with a majesty, nobility, and a stateliness that is both jaw-dropping, and drool-inducing! If you are a musical snob who insists your albums are bathed in pure, unadulterated greatness, then stop what you are doing and get this album on CD (12 page insert, jewel case) and limited edition Aqua Colored Vinyl. The album features the best musicians, the best songs, and the best music they have ever done. It’s the ultimate ear candy for fans of Jimmy P. Brown II and the creative years Deliverance crew.

A Story of Time
Digital Postage Stamp
Entertaining Angels
The Scales
The Swell Lot of Thieves
The Watchers

(26 minutes):

1. Ego
2. Stained
3. Indecisive
4. Entertaining Angels
5. The Scales
6. The Swell Lot of Thieves

SIDE B: (23 minutes)
1. Memoria
2. A Story of Time
3. Digital Postage Stamp
4. The Watchers

Preorder Now

Weblinks: Facebook 

Video (audio) for ‘The Swell Lot of Thieves’

Lyric video for ‘Ego’

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