King’s X drummer Jerry Gaskill and his wife suffered devastating losses during Hurricane Sandy, which killed more than 70 people and caused $50 billion worth of damage. Jerry and Julie live on the coast of New Jersey, the state hardest hit by the storm which hammered much of the northeastern United States on October 29. They lost almost every material possession they owned and are displaced from their home.

In a new online posting, Jerry writes, “Hey everybody. Julie and I want to again sincerely thank everyone all over the world for the overwhelming love and support during this devastating time for so many. I believe somehow things will be better than ever, just like when I died.

“I think Julie said it the best. She said, ‘It’s been quite a banner year for us. First you died, then we got married and now we’re homeless.’

“Because of all your love, we have hope. We thank you now and we will thank you always. I have a feeling that 2013 could just be a good year.

“All our love… Jerry and Julie.”

The friends and fans of Jerry Gaskill are uniting to raise money to help Jerry and his wife rebuild after Hurricane Sandy.

If you would like to help, anything you can give will be treated as a gift and is not tax deductible.

For more information, go to this location.

Gaskill suffered a heart attack on February 26 and underwent an emergency operation before being released from the hospital three weeks later.

Gaskill was scheduled to enter the studio in late November with Nashville-based songwriter, producer, multi-instrumentalist D.A. Karkos to track drums for Gaskill‘s solo record with legendary producer/engineer/mixer Michael Wagener at Wagener‘s WireWorld studio in Nashville.

Weblinks: Website / Myspace / Facebook

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