Horror Punk Band Grave Robber checked in with the following announcement:

Nothing lasts forever…

All good things come to an end…

It’s a sad time for Grave Robber as we part ways with one of our founding members.

Craig “Carcass” Weitz, our bassist has left Grave Robber as of January 10th, 2018. Craig started out as Grave Robber‘s drummer in 2005 and quickly moved to bass guitar, his first instrument. He has been the power behind Grave Robber‘s sound for almost 13 years.

Admittedly, Craig Weitz’s primal, aggressive, non-finesse, high velocity approach to his instrument has been absolutely essential to Grave Robber‘s overall sound. To say Craig Weitz will be hard to replace is a gross understatement and his place in Grave Robber’s history is etched deeper than any grave stone in human history.

Craig‘s departure is 100% drama free and with zero animosity. We, in Grave Robber wish him all the best on his new journey and pray for God’s continued providence in his life.

We will let Craig speak for himself:

“So, I have made the decision to step down from my role as Carcass, bass player for Grave Robber. This has been a difficult one to make but I have to be obedient to the Lord.

He is changing the direction for my family and we need to go in that direction. I love my brothers in Grave Robber and there is no ill-will or animosity at all.

I am so blessed to have had the honor of sharing the stage with them. To Shawn Browning (Wretched), Andy Whitten (Viral) and Grant Butler (Grimm): You guys are my brothers and I love you dearly. I am going to miss being in a band with you guys and all that that entails.

Being in Grave Robber has been such a blessing and so humbling in that I have been a part of something that has impacted people in a positive way. When we founded this band, I would have never imagined it would go where God has taken it. The Lord granted dreams through this band that I had and didn’t know that I had.

Thanks to everyone that has booked us, housed us, fed us, supported us, bought our music and merch, came to shows, and loved on us and all the bands we have played with! Thanks also to all of my other brothers who have been in Grave Robber with me as well. Thanks also to everyone who has filled in for shows and tours. And a huge thanks to my wife, Crystal Weitz for her support!

I am not done playing music. My wife and I are still co-music team leaders at our church. As for music at this level, only the Lord knows if I will be playing like this again.

Thanks and all Praise to the Reanimator!!

Dying daily,
Craig “Carcass” Weitz”



Grave Robber will immediately be seeking a new “Carcass.” If you feel you can fill his Chuck Taylor’s…

You know what to do.

Craig Weitz, your presence and musical fingerprint will be sorely missed. You are and always will be our brother.

God bless you, brother.
Grave Robber

Grave Robber’s latest album “Straight to Hell”  has been released on Oct. 25th. 2014 through Rottweiler Records. Check out our album review here.

Weblinks:  Facebook / Twitter / Reverbnation

Video for ‘Altered States’


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