Renowned axeman Glenn Rogers (Deliverance, ex-Hirax, ex-Heretic, ex-Viking, ex-Vengeance Rising, ex-Once Dead) have rejoined the American/Argentinian heavy metal powerhouse Primal. The band announces fresh blood, too. Burke Morris (ex-Resistance) became the second guitarist. Both depicted on the photo attached.
Primal released their self-titled debut in 2016, but were plagued by Rogers’ hand injury shortly after. The record is still available in physical and digital form here.
Primal now consists of:
Glenn Rogers, Burke Morris – guitars
Alberto Zamarbide (ex-V8, ex-Logos) – vocals
Sandy K. Vasquez (Ruthless, Bloodlust, ex-Neil Turbin / Deathriders) – bass
Jorge Iacobellis (ex-Hirax) – drums
They are working on their sophomore album and looking for a new label.