Carpatia (2015)Five guys from Argovia, Switzerland, form the post-hardcoreband Final Story.

In May of 2012 they released their first EP “Hopefully This Will End Well”, this was created in association with producer Lars Christen. This EP offers, in their own words, melody, intense riffs, animating beats and a well proportioned dose of Electro.

What they state further on their website is that these guys are not trying to redefine the wheel, but make it their duty to beat it into shape to create a compact, shapely sound, which cannot be heard anywhere else. Well that is beautiful said so why should I say it otherwise? To shorten the latency for the fans, a cover of Sevens’ hit „Lisa“ was released in October of 2013.

After their debut-EP they took their time to work properly on their first long-player. In the meantime they played a number of live-shows, to find out who they are and reinvent themselves.

So they have long worked on their first album “Carpathia“, which is worldwide released on December 4, 2015 via Redfield Digital.

Sound mixer for this album was Andrew Wade who also worked with names such as A Day To Remember, The Ghost Inside and The Word Alive.

Redfield Digital describes Final Story’s album “Carpathia“ as follows: Catchy melodies, rock-hard breakdowns paired up with the bravery to sometimes strike a more quiet tone.

Sounds good, let’s listen to this twelve-song album and see if we agree…

The “ Intro“ on this record is a real intro, it is a mix of electronic sounds which builds up with an interesting drumbeat beneath it. It builds up to the first real song “Enter Your Burial“. A brutal uptempo song with a drumsound that is kicking you in the stomach, double bass with beautiful fills. Mathias screams from the top of his lungs and then switching fluently to beautiful clean vocals. As we hear more in this genre there is plenty of room for electronic sounds on the album. This goes not only for this song but fort he entire album.

Title-track “Carpathia“ is for me one of the highlights on the album. Beginning with a synth-sound and building up almost instantly with a beautiful guitar-line. Then it all calms down and it sounds more ballad-like only to build the song up again. Of course we also hear the obligated breakdowns although they are not overdone as we hear sometimes on other core-albums.

Epiphany“, again, starts electronical, but only for a second. This song displays an array of styles; metalcore, hardcore and rock with a chorus that you can’t get out of your head. But trust me, that is no punishment at all.

At “Empire“ we hear what the guitarplayers are capable of, light-fingered they play the intro that comes back from time to time in the song. “Bless The Sinners“ begins like a dance-track that has a chorus that could also catch some airtime on MTV for example, I guess that the rest oft he song, the screaming and blastbeats, wouldn’t do as good on MTV…

Coming back on the quiet tone, described by Redfield Digital, that indeed is one of their strong points if you ask me. It gives the songs a more dynamic feel that is refreshing, as shown on “Ocean“ for example. But also on “The Die Is Cast“ that is more a rock-ballad, a beautiful sensitive song that begins with piano and is slowly building up to a rock-sound. Did I already mention that I am impressed by the vocals? His cleans are sensitive and warm with a raw edge. Even my wife would like this song and she doesn’t like hardcore at all.

Did I hear Jesse from Killswitch Engage for a brief moment at the beginning of “Stars“? The „Oh Yeah“ sounded just like the good man. Just something that struck me…

Love Die Repeat“ is an uptempo song with an aggressive sound and has an adult composition. For me also one of the best tracks. Musicianship with a capitol M. This song has everything that a good (post)hardcore-song needs. Breakdowns, electronic sounds, tempo-changes, screaming and a catchy chorus, interspersed with the obligated bridge.

What to say about the last two songs? Well, the same concept as mentioned above, “Unaware“ is a worthy closure of an excellent album. For a first long-player they have done realy well.

And now I will finally say it: I don’t know if you, the readers of this review, are familiar with the German post-hardcore band Aliens Ate My Setlist? The first thing that struck me, and some friends, when I listened to the first songs of this album is that they sound a bit alike. And you know what? That is a good thing, tomorrow I am going to see AAMS play for the last time, because they are breaking up unfortunately. But we have a worthy successor in Final Story who have found their own sound.

For all you hardcore-lovers out there that like, what I call, the European sound, you should check them out. As versatile as a Swiss army knife and the precision of a Swiss watch; that is what this Swiss quintet has to offer hardcore-wise….

Rating: 7.5/10

Written by: René Woning

01. Intro
02. Enter Your Burial
03. Carpathia
04. Epiphany
05. Empire
06. Bless The Sinners
07. Ocean
08. The Die Is Cast
09. Stars
10. Love Die Repeat
11. Home & Hearts
12. Unaware

Band members:
Mathias Sax – Vocals
Kevin Schärer – Guitar
Raffaele Uccella – Guitar
David Mele – Bass
Daniel Baumgartner – Drums

“Hopefully This Will End Well” (2012)
“Carpathia” (2015)

Record label: Redfield Digital, December 2015

Weblinks: Website / Facebook

Buy the album here:
Holland: First Paradox
Norway: Nordic Mission

Video for ‘Empire’

Video for ‘Carpathia’

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