False Idle bandphotoHot on the heels of the debut full-length release from False Idle comes their first acoustic effort, a 7 song EP entitled “California Or Bust”. This latest recording is a more transparent, stripped-down release that re-vamps a strong collection of their favorite tracks from the recent powerful full-length, “Threat”, and the earlier the “I Refuse” EP.

False Idle clearly shows that they are a band that can not only bring an in-your-face brand of punk rock to the studio and the stage, but are also proficient in grabbing the acoustic guitar and toning it down for a good time with friends around a fire. The instrumental version of “I Refuse” even features a cello taking over the bass parts. A completely re-worked outlaw-rock version of ‘Retaliate’ gives credence to their self-proclaimed eclectic tastes in music. The tracks ‘Threat’ and ‘Where Do We Go’ in particular offer a sing-along feel that will leave you with a new mental soundtrack. And, as with every creation from False Idle, the name of the EP, “California Or Bust” is not a coincidence… The EP was created thanks to the generous contributions of False Idle fans to make it possible to trek down to Fillmore, CA for the annual Thumper Punk Records Night in September 2013. An accompanying music video to ‘Where Do We Go’ was created using video clips from the trip and the show, and gives a little peek at the personalities of the guys of False Idle. In short, “California Or Bust” is a fun, uplifting album, and a great addition to any music collection!

Video from the tour can be seen below in the music video for ‘Where Do We Go’.

On October 23, 2013, CDs will be available for $6 through the False Idle and Thumper Punk Records websites, and digital downloads from the Thumper Punk Bandcamp site. Digital downloads will be available on iTunes, AmazonMP3, and all the usual suspects, on November 26.

1. Façade [4:19]
2. High Hopes [3:04]
3. I Refuse [2:57]
4. In The Dark [2:59]
5. Retaliate [3:00]
6. Threat [3:38]
7. Where Do We Go [2:58]

False Idle California Or Bust album cover

Band Members:
Sef Idle [vocals, guitar]
Tyler Lewis [guitar, vocals]
Seth Warren [bass, vocals]
Philip Harris [drums]

Weblinks: Website / Myspace / Facebook / Twitter

Interview With ‘False Idle’ [Nov. 2011]

Video below for ‘Where Do We Go’
Related Articles:
Interview With ‘False Idle’ [Nov. 2011]
‘False Idle’ Drummer Steps Down [Jan. 2012]
uniSEF – Discography [Album Review]
False Idle – Threat [Album Review]
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