Easter TeethA gotta-see-it-to-believe-it duo, Easter Teeth is what happens when the Eymann brothers pat their tummies, rub their heads, and smack, shake, or plunk every instrument in sight. It is very sweaty. Starting in 2009, Josh [vocals and drums] and Tim [vocals, bass, keys, and gadgets] set out to convince the world that their two musical loves, Soul and Hardcore, indeed belong together. When joined by friends Scott Lillard on trumpet and Mikie Evans on trombone, that blessed union cannot be torn asunder. Hailing from Goleta, CA, Easter Teeth has played all up and down the West Coast, spreading golden grooves and good times wherever they may roam.

The new CD contains 5 new tracks fresh from the studio, as wells 4 tracks previously released as an ep entitled “Break Out the Knives.” Since the band doesn’t always have the horn section with them live, both the CD and Digital download contain a version with horns and a version without, 18 songs total!

1. Being alone With Your Thoughts Is For Inmates 04:27
2. J Robbins Was Half Right 02:55
3. Triangle Of Praise 02:41
5. Coq de Grammaire 02:53
6. Break Out The Knives 02:58
7. Where Have All The Demons Gone? 02:12
8. Sleeping With The Lions 03:07
9. The Eagle Flies On Friday 03:08
10. Being Alone With Your Thoughts Is For Inmates (No Horns) 04:27
11. J Robbins Was Half Right (No Horns) 02:55
12. Triangle Of Praise (No Horns) 02:41
13. GPSCCTVNSAISP (No Horns) 03:28
14. Coq de Grammaire (No Horns) 02:53
15. Break Out The Knives (No Horns) 02:58
16. Where Have All The Demons Gone (No Horns) 02:12
17. Sleeping With The Lions (No Horns) 03:07
18. The Eagle Flies On Friday (No Horns) 03:08

Easter Teeth

The CD can be pre-ordered from www.veritasvinyl.storenvy.com and a digital version from www.veritasvinyl.bandcamp.com. It will be available from all the standard digital retailers in January.

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