Duister Maanlicht returns with their True Veluwsche Black Metal. Below you caan watch the official video for Als de vlammen haar verzwelgen, from their upcoming album Hoerenzonen & Heksendochters.
Duister Maanlicht was founded in January 2000 by Anzorgheian. Havoque helped him to record “Als zwarte engelen sterven“. Due to circumstances, Duister Maanlicht did not record anything until 2003 with a new line-up [Baron Eulogian, Heer Zwaardvader, Dodengraver & Heidendoder]. They recorded the rehearsal session “Vaandeldragers van het Kwaad” with these members. “Tocht door het Dodenrijk” and “het Gehate Verleden” were recorded by Zwaardvader and Heidendoder. “Over ketters, heksen en ander gespuis” was recorded by Carnivore, Baron Eulogian, Zwaardvader and Heidendoder. Duister Maanlicht was inactive after those recordings in 2004.
Now they’re back with a whole new line-up: a new singer, a new guitarist, a new drummer and a new bass-player. They have been recording new songs for their upcoming record “Hoerenzonen & Heksendochters” . Which will be released via SneeuwStorm Produkties / Nokternal Hemizphear.
Current Line Up:
Darkpriest [gitaar]
Hersenschim [zang]
Zwaardvader [drums]
Klauwzeer [bas]
Final statement by the band:
Duister Maanlicht is not a christian band, even though past lyrics might have misled people. Our goal is the war against female vocals in ‘black’ metal, keyboardblack and folk-influences in black metal.
Weblinks: Myspace
“…Clear words, but according to our colleagues at Mauce.nl, I’ve found a more plausible explanation for this change of heart…”
-> https://deathmetalbaboon.com/duister-maanlicht-als-de-vlammen-haar-verzwelgen