The Crimson Armada – Conviction


'Not every change is an improvement’ Whether it is caused by the change in the line-up, or that the band already had the adjustments in mind before the alterations, is unknown to me. What is…

Exultet – I Soldati Della Croce (Soldiers Of The Cross)


The album describes the long journey and the battles lived by the Christian knights from 1096 to the conquest of Jerusalem in 1099, known as the first crusade. The sound is melodic, epic unblack metal with large…

Euphoreon – “Euphoreon”


Euphoreon is a Melodic Death Metal project from New Zealand formed by Matt Summerville and later on joined by Eugen Dodenhoeft (Far Beyond) from Germany. This self-titled is their first full-length. Matt Summerville released a…

Reinxeed – 1912


Who needs Celine Dion when you can have Tommy Johansson telling you all about the tragedy of the Titanic? What is the first historical event you think of when I mention the year ‘1912’? The…