OnTheAttack Records is honored to announce the release of “Amor En Tierra Ajena” (Love In A Foreign Land), the spoken word debut by Carlos Salazar (Kings & Daughters, Before There Was Rosalyn).

Gripping, intense and personal tales from a man who rose up from a broken home in Honduras to conquer some of his life’s greatest challenges. In “Amor En Tierra Ajena,” Salazar shares his heart’s most euphoric moments, while it simultaneously prepares for the inevitable pain and grief of loss. Come share his poetic journey of courage, honesty, rage, and the ongoing endeavor of trying to find your place in this world.

We don’t read & write poetry because it’s cute. We read & write poetry because we are members of the human race. & the human race is filled with passion. & medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits & necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.
-Tom Schulman-

“Amor En Tierra Ajena” Tracklist:

1. Time Does Not 03:20
2. Forgive 06:07
3. Way Of Colorado 01:31
4. A City In Sunlight 04:48
5. Virginia 04:38
6. An Ode To Wilde Nights 03:38
7. Avarice 02:16
8. By Moonlight 02:51
9. Journal Entry 03:32

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CDs and digital downloads are available through the OnTheAttack Records webstore, and through all major commercial digital retailers.

OnTheAttack Records began in the Bronx in 2005, and moved to California in 2013. Same heavy music… Same uplifting message.

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