Still two weeks to go, then it is time for another edition of the annual Brainstorm Festival. This cultural rock- and metalfestival takes place Friday 2 and Saturday 3 November in club Gigant in the city Apeldoorn, The Netherlands. It’s the fifth anniversary for the festival, that will have a total of 15 international bands playing. The complete line up is listed below.

Both Antestor (NO) and Myrath (TUN) will do interviews during Brainstorm Festival in the theatre of the club. Antestor will tell about past, present and future of the band, while Myrath will talk about the so called Arabic Spring taking place in their homecountry Tunesia.

Brainstorm Festival is known as an independent cultural rock- and metalfestival, that provides a stage to both new talent as well as metal-dinosaurs. The festival combines hardrock with extreme metal. Besides concerts Brainstorm Festival offers a program in the theater of the club with acoustic performances, interviews, debate and competitions. Also there is an exposition taking place each year, plus a small metal-market.

Friday November 2.
Inhale/Exhale (USA) metalcore
Thy Majestie (ITA) power-metal
The Letter Black (USA) gothic-rock
Nemesea (NL) gothic-metal
Taketh(S) melodic death-metal
It Never Rains (NL) doom-prog-wave
Theatre: Premnath Gonesh (NL) classical/ambient/black
Doors open 18:00 / Aanvang 18:30

Saturday November 3.
Antestor (NO) black-sorrow metal
Oh, Sleeper (USA) metalcore
Seventh Angel (UK) death-doom
Myrath (TUN) prog heavy metal
In Mourning (S) prog death-metal
Social Suicide (NO) punk/hardcore
Illuminandi (PL) classical/folk-metal
Aliens Ate My Setlist (D) post-hardcore
Grim Ordeal (NL) groove/death-metal
Theatre: The Circle Ends (NL/CH) unplugged/heavy rock
Doors open: 14:00 / Aanvang 14:15

Check out our pictures of Brainstorm Festival 2011, at this location.

For further information and reservations: brainstormfestival.com

Related articles:
‘Brainstorm Fest. 2011 [Review] [Pictures]
‘Brainstorm Festival 2012′ The Fifth Edition [November 2 and 3] [Jan. 2012]
First Bands Announced For ‘Brainstorm Festival 2012′ [Feb. 2012]
Exclusive ‘Saviour Machine’ show in ‘Zwolle’ [NL] Tickets Available Now [July 2012] [Pictures]
New Bands Announced For ‘Brainstorm Fest. 2012′ [July 2012]
‘Antestor’ To Play ‘Brainstorm Festival’ 2012, And 3 Other New Names [Sept. 2012]
Interesting Conversation With ‘Myrath’ During ‘Brainstorm Fest’ [Sept. 2012]

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