Everyone please welcome Superunknown to the Rottweiler Records pack!!!

To define the word “Unknown” would be to view something or someone as “not within the range of one’s knowledge, experience, or understanding; strange; unfamiliar.” Life is full of mysteries and incomplete understanding. What is unseen is eternal. So, it is with Hyderabad, India’s Superunknown. The core of the band was founded in 2019, around the vision of R.A.I.D vocalist; Rueban Issac. In addition to Rueban, the line up comprises of Yohan Issac on Guitars/Bass and Shawn Jacob as a session Drummer.

Superunknown ’s Alternative Metal musical style is a culmination of influences as varied as Helmet, Sevendust, Filter, Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots and Soundgarden. Lyrically, Superunknown focuses on the spiritual bond between Jesus Christ and self, that further leads to the expression of faith and trust in our King!

The album artwork and release date will be announced soon.
In the meantime, download a track of ours for FREE:

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